Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

What’s the angle being reported there?

I’ll have to wait another 27 minutes to reply.


They’ll struggle to put an angle on it with the spin doctor in jail you’d think

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Reports are emerging that the Russians have used chemical weapons in Mariupol.

The West will have to move to clear Ukrainian airspace if true

Putin is itching for full scale War in Europe, the cunt.

If he is he’s lost the plot altogether, he can’t handle what he has

I would say what’s happening at the moment is full scale war.

And tragically, full scale war probably needs to be waged against those waging it.

By the west.

NATO can’t ignore this

From March 25th:

A fuck ton of Russian soldiers are about to die.

I really hope the Weaponry is there to take out or down Missiles which will be launched if it does kick off.

I can’t see Russian engaging on the ground. It goes ballistic if the West arrives into this.

Asked whether the use of chemical weapons by Russia’s Vladimir Putin would prompt a military response from Nato, Mr Biden replied that it “would trigger a response in kind”.

Hardly a declaration of war

No, it isn’t. But actions which to all intents and purposes constitute war are needed against this evil.

They should just bomb the shit out of the Russians for a night and then deny ever doing it


Looks like the DPR is playing the patsie for this one.



We know from US intelligence, which has been excellent, that Russia has had plans to use chemical weapons.

We know that Putin just appointed the same guy who was commander in Syria as commander in Ukraine, Dvornikov.

“He is the goon called in by Vladimir Putin to flatten cities like Aleppo in Syria,” Stavridis said. “He has used tools of terrorism throughout that period, including working with the Syrian forces, torture centers, systematic rape, nerve agents. He is the worst of the worst.”

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