Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I haven’t a clue what you’re on about, buddy.

As predicted by @glenshane . Correct as always.

Who’s the clapping lickspittle beside yer wan in the jeans in that clip?

What an absolute cunt she is

What an abhorrent shameful cunt. Could you imagine voting or promoting either of those absolute cunts.


The loony left

Clare absolutely nailed it there. The world should be united in bringing Russia to the table. The US and EU are happy for the destruction to go on with the hope of ruining Russia. Ukraine is the price they’re willing to pay for it

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Screeching a bawling, and a bag of roubles in the back pocket. Disgusting.

Westsplaining. :clap: :clap: :clap:

I’m not sure what’s happened poor Claire and Mick since they left the Dail but much like a couple on here their hatred of the U.S is blinding them to reality. The US are not the bad guys here. Russia are. Copyright @padjo.

Is that you climbing back down off the Clare and Mick bandwagon?

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Perhaps Claire could solve the Russian invasion through the medium of poetry?

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That’s it. Hilary and her mates were always happy to let Ukrainians bleed themselves out against a superpower…the yanks will lend them all the money they want, so they can buy more guns off the yanks. It’s an old trick often repeated. Meanwhile boris is pledging his support. Anyone for a protocol?

You’re a sad little man.

Sshh Harry. How can tou expect people ro think you’re clever when you insist on saying stuff?

This Mearsheimer chap was put up on a pedestal by a lot of people as some sort of guru.

In reality, as was obvious, he was merely a stinking propagandist for Russia, as was his fellow traveller Stephen F. Cohen who died in 2020.

A rabble

Great video here with Mearsheimer, he talks a lot of sense.

Reports from Russia are that Putin’s long time spin doctor Vladislav Surkov has been arrested, or more likely put under house arrest.

Pro-democracy campaigner and colleague of Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Kara-Murza, has definitely been arrested in the real sense. He was previously the victim of two poisonings by the Putin regime. You would fear for him.