Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Fucking bastards, will they ever leave us alone.

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I know. They are basically saying the Russians are now as bad as wild Paddies.

As I was saying yesterday, Ukraine has confounded all expectations so far. Their national effort in the face of what they are confronted with has been heroic. The war is going to change substantially now. Russia regrouping and regathering its forces to bludgeon smaller targets, break through, encircle and destroy the main parts of the Ukrainian army and take control of large parts of Ukraine. A shift from the fast and agile defence Ukraine has excelled at to grinding heavy machinery warfare, where the supposed Russian army might would be expected to be seen and to tell. Ukraine can’t defend this unless the west gets it big enough weaponry in time. The US and EU have committed a few billion worth between them. There’s two to three weeks while Russia regroups, then it will all out attack with the goal of claiming a or some victory by May 9. If ukraine can drive withstand the bastards again it will be astounding. Everything will be levelled. It’s fucked up beyond all belief.

Long article here essentially saying that Trump self interest and actions laid the ground for the Russian invasion.


Can you post that up?

Unfortunately the debate about this is all wrong and it stems from the west’s unwillingness to get involved.

It’s ridiculous that we are having these stupid debates about “oh, if war crimes can be proved, that would be a game changer” or “oh, if they used chemical weapons that would be a game changer”.

Russia invading Ukraine is what is beyond the pale.

We should be bombing the fucking shit out of them, pulverising them, and we should be doing it on February 24th, 2022.


They said that about Syria and Obama did fuck all.

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So the yanks can be responsible but only if it’s trump?
The woke lads are truly fascinating.

Thanks buddy. That’s an excellent conversation. Informed participants, opposing points of view, sensible arguments etc.
It’ll drive the usual suspects beserk…theyll not be fit for it.

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These are white people though. There’ll be savage pressure to do something if it is true. That’s just the way it is

Look at this shit here .

Thankfully we have intelligent people like Claire Daly speaking on behalf of Ireland and not emotionally unstable people like you.

The West led Mladic and co run roughshod over the Bosnians for 3 years before doing anything worthwhile to stop him and his Serbian thugs If that is any indicator, don’t be expecting NATO to get involved any time soon.

The problem with far too many western liberals - and I use that term in the broadest possible sense - is they are prepared to be liberal with despots and despotic ideas.

That leads to the end of liberal democracy.

Can you intervene in every world conflict? No, and nor should you.

Should you intervene when it is prudent, and more to the point, necessary, as it here? Hell yes.

NATO is not “getting involved”. Nor should it. Open war between NATO and Russia is WWIII and nuclear war. Arming Ukraine and using every other means to put pressure on Russia and Putin is the only response and the correct response.

How much should the west arm Ukraine?

Great article.

I’d be very very surprised if the SAS aren’t heavily entangled in the Ukraine defense. It may blunt vlad somewhat. Even if he annexes a swathe of the Ukraine, it will simply result in another Afghanistan where inexorable grinding losses will eventually provoke a Russian withdrawal (possibly once Vlad has gone).
It’s just hard to believe the utter futility of this barbarism.


Boris Johnson is over making sure the UK get a big slice of the pie post conflict. You couldn’t be up the leaders of ‘democracy’.

The public gets what the public wants.

Looks like Boris got it wrong.


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Sure we know the CIA and america have been involved for years. They certainly dont see it as futile, the bidens didn’t see it as futile when they were putting profit before foreign policy, one of the richest men in ukraine/Switzerland mustn’t have thought it futile when he was simultaneously pumping millions into asov and zelensky. Raytheon and lockheed martin certainly dont think its futile …or the american politicians who we know bought shares in the mythical military industrial complex.

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