Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Almost a full house of buzzwords there.


And Putin thought?

Hard to see his end game here buddy. I thought he wanted Eastern Ukraine but that looks more and more like one of them pyrrhic victories you hear lads talking about…i think it was that mearscheimer chap who said independent states might be his preferred option…buffer zones, joint financial responsibility etc. It all looks pretty futile from his point of view, apart from recognition/water for crimea, and Ukrainian neutrality … maybe he smashes up Ukrainian military infrastructure a bit.
What do you thinks going on with these bio-labs?

Hasn’t that been debunked as Qanon nonsense?

No. Isn’t ‘qanon’ just a term that hysterical ignorant people throw around…a bit like ‘conspiracy theory’ etc?

Here he is now. The lad “that’s just asking questions”.


Christ above.


No Qanon is just a byword for bullshit it appears.

Now, unless you swallow the Russian assertion and count medical research facilities as places where the USA and Ukraine are collaborating and give them the menacing term ‘biolabs’, it appears that the whole biological weapon angle seems to be a big steaming turd.

I am happy to be guided to other sources countering the two I have provided above.

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Sweet Jesus, is there anything the Russians tell you that you don’t believe?

You’ll believe nothing from the mainstream media, but some fucking random bot on twitter posts some shit up and you’ll devour any sort of nonsense at all.


Boris wouldn’t give a fuck what the UK gets. Boris lines up only for Boris.

You should stick to the glib quips and the one small scale local conspiracy you mentioned- the one involving refugees in a galway hotel. Clearly that one somehow passes your acceptability test while allowing you to sniff at the notion of arms deals etc.
And the reds under the bed nonsense has run its course…bots, troll farms etc. Even @Fagan_ODowd has grown out of that spiel…if a dottery oul cod like that can see through the bs surely a dottery middleaged cod like you could too?.

Tell me. Did you think young bidens laptop was a qanon conspiracy, a russian conspiracy or just a garden variety conspiracy, when it first emerged?

Post up some of your sources first; I believe after me doing you the honour you could at least reciprocate.

Have you ever heard of this new medium, a Pod Kast I think its called?

I already have buddy. You haven’t being paying attention- or your qanon reflexes have protected your eyes. You’re some bollix with your sources, a quick scramble around google to edumacate yourself . It’s silly really.

Thats a no so

I used DuckDuckGo there actually.

You’re just afraid of another ‘pile on’ mate should you reveal your reading materials. It’s ok if you’re a bit sensitive. We’re here for you

Like i said, i already have. Surely you dont mean you girls were acting all outraged for no reason?

Boris is like putin. He wants a few lines in the history books.