Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The Ra sank a few … Including Mountbatten.

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Oh no, Belgorod is on fire again, how awful.

If the Ruskies are as incompetent as appears I’m all in on the :us: getting involved chances of their nukes working seem remote at this stage

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Pathetic. We had a few Ukranians staying with us a few weeks back, Russian speakers from Mikolayev. The missus took them into town for some sightseeing. Down by the castle there is a cross commemorating the Polish officers killed by the Russians in Katyn. The Ukranians asked the missus
“what’s the cross for”?
“that’s about Katyn where the Russians murdered the Polish officers”.
“you mean the Germans”?
“No the Russians”


Ffs sake

A few medieval goat farmers ran rings around them in Afghanistan. Sent them home with their tea in a mug.

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Have a look at this lads. The name a jaysus :grinning:

Even the Russian propagandists dont believe Russian propaganda that it was a fire :joy:

Sure what else would you expect?
It’s good to see lads sharing your disdain for russian speakers from mikolayev and their ignorance of the Katyn massacre

Frustrated Keyboard GIF

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What disdain? I put them up in my house for a week thanks to your hero’s special operation. Nice people.


The disdain is clear. What else was the point of the little anecdote?

It was just an anecdote from real life. Not something from some nut job podcast.


An anecdote where you specified that they were russian speaking and that they didn’t know about a russian war crime. No wonder you can excuse the burning alive of russian speakers in odessa.
And feel free to continue peddling lies about other posters…

Can you not highlight the increase in tensions the Russians caused in those areas at all?

You want diplomacy now? Putin has elevated tensions from the start in 2014.

He waltzed into Crimea and I’m sure that really softened Ukrainian nationalistic ideals.

You are at pains to highlight atrocities towards Russian leaning separatists but very quiet on Russian war crimes in Ukraine?

Balbec is living with this event on his doorstep, he has opened his door to displaced Ukrainians and you can’t keep a hold of your seethe?

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One of the big Russian propaganda angles is that anybody who puts up Ukrainian refugees is a racist.

It really isn’t a very persuasive angle at all to vilify people who are offering refuge to people fleeing for their lives.

But that’s where the mentalists are at.


Russian speakers in Ukraine are getting a rude awakening regarding their so called “liberators”