Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Was watching an interview on CNN about this the other day. The commentator was talking about how warfare has changed. It used to be 2 armies facing off and mainly soldiers dying. Much more civilian casualties nowadays seemingly. Said because weapons are so advanced civilians are now often used as human shields otherwise if the soldiers positions are known they will just be obliterated.

Lot of lads here need to reflect on their posting on this thread versus all the other war threads and their inherent racism.

I’ve called this out from the start. @Cheasty needs to keep up with all wars equally or none at all.

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The yanks are 100 years ahead of these Russian and Chinese cavemen with their military tech. Its frightening to think what they have. I was laughing when the Russian made a big deal about Satan 2, the yanks will have it blown up before it got 10 feet in the air


The only new tech they have are built off dodgy plans the US let them steal

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The Russians bate out of Ukraine by lads firing glorified bazookas

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And that’s only the stuff they tell us about

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Imagine what kind of shit they stole off the aliens


You’d think they’d be able to fly a tiny little bomb into putins mouth at this stage tbh.


You would.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Translation: The Ministry of Defense announced that the cruiser “Moskva” sank

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Surely the Russian forces couldn’t be as comically bad as they are displaying. Must be all part of cunning Putins great plan like the critical thinkers on here have been saying all along

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They are medicore like everything Russian.

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4D chess.

This is the country who gave the world Ladas mate

And vodka. A dangerous combination

The Russian soldiers were running up sand dunes in January and February training before battles. They’ll be a different outfit by May


The Russians must be the first country to lose two warships to a country with no navy.