Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Rivers, fucking up militaries since the begining of time

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There’s an old black an white film about that where a lad in WW1 gets tried for cowardice. It still haunts me. They put him in front of a firing squad and none of the soldiers aimed at him, so his commanding officer, who defended him in the “trial” had to shoot him. Based on a true story. I wish I’d never watched it but I kept hoping he’d be let off.

Eddie Slovik (Martin Sheen) ?

Speaking of firing squads.

Warning: this video contains Russian Nazis murdering Ukrainian civilians by shooting them in the back.

The cowardly cunts should be hung like the war criminals they are.

Probably the most credible piece of information so far that Putin might not be well. Exactly how credible it is is anybody’s guess.


.Dying in abundance, too, were Russian soldiers. The army so laden with artillery assets still sent its troops, many of them teenage conscripts, to be gunned down in bungled assaults through the alien streets, or incinerated in their flaming APCs.

A line from My War Gone By on the destruction of Grozny in the early 90s. Not much has changed.


Are Reuters able to verify anything during this war?

This fella :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:


He’s a self righteous scumbag


@myboyblue needs to log in to post that Ewan is winding up lads something fierce.


Will this apply to all refugees or just ones from the trendy conflict?

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He could have asked to stand behind the wall rather than out front. No harm in asking anyway….

Ewan has an awful set on the poor old Ukrainians.

You’d imagine the South / North Derry fella would have a bit of sympathy for them too considering their problems with cuntish neighbours waltzing into their land etc….

Why should they get an education ahead of you?

Am I fleeing a war ravaged country?

“We need to deny refugees an education” doesn’t seem a very persuasive narrative.

Why? Does it apply to everyone fleeing from war ravaged countries?