Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The British Isles are gone. Surprisingly it doesn’t touch The Netherlands.

Will please a couple of sociopaths here at least.

I don’t think even the most ardent supporters of Putin on here would be happy with this being inflicted on the poor people of Ukraine

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Russian Nazis parading in Moscow with their painted on Nazi smiles. The fucking state of it all.

In a year’s time many of them will be dead, heads blown off, limbs blown off, intestines lying in mud like sausages.

Unfortunately so will their victims.

Oh but the modern day Hitler that is Putin would be.

Russia preparing to send in the pensioners

In all fairness (and I’d be the first in line to go in two feet over the ball on Bono) but that was a mighty sound gesture from the two of them.


The Russian Nazi ambassador to Poland got drenched in red paint by protestors this morning. Proper order.

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They’ll use it as a pretext to invade Poland.

They are still trying to chew the last bite they made

Probably. No need to go down to their level.

Sounds legit.

We’re destroying the Nazi cunts.


Theyh should follow the cunts over while they are at it. Make them divert forces to defence

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The big guns starting to arrive.


All very reminiscent of Ger Loughnane’s motivational tactics on Ollie Baker before the 2000 championship.

Standard operating procedure in WW2. Terrifying being a soldier in combat.

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Have a few county council lads joined in with the fight in the Ukraine?

“We’ve got to believe that we have a chance to win. We’ve all got to go out there and give 100% and trust each other and the gaffer.”

In my years watching sport and war, people who say they believe usually believe but people who say they’ve GOT TO believe don’t believe.

I don’t think the Russians believe.