Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

And rightly so. Ukraine not up to EU standard.

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Yes and no. The Ukrainians are back to their pre 2022 position of bombing the fuck out of eastern Ukraine…which is a sort of victory. The only fly in the ointment us that russians are now firing back at them.

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Eastern Ukraine or the Russian Republics of Luhansk & Donetsk?

Mad game so far, Ukraine 4-25 Russia 1-33, extra-time if the Russian lad taps this over

The Russians seem to be close enough to taking all of the Donbas. They have their landbridge with Crimea, they’ve pumped everything into the Donbas now and are losing some ground elsewhere. But it might be enough for the bould Vlad to declare victory and stop the offence and dig in.
The intelligence crowds seem to think the Russians haven’t much left after they’ve shot this shot, and the Ukrainians haven’t enough to shoot one back so it looks like a stalemate coming.

Yerrah fuel prices are ridiculous but these loon always goes too far


Wow, Cena is a good guy obviously.
How cool is it to be able to do things like that


Cena has done loads of stuff with make a wish over the years.

Professional wrestler John Cena holds the title for the most wishes granted by a single individual, at over 650 wishes.


I started crying watching that

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Same as myself.

It’s no exaggeration to say weaponisation of world famine is one of the most evil ideas human history has ever seen, which means this Russian regime, which is desperately trying to provoke world famine as a weapon to destroy not just Ukraine and Europe but to bring nihilism and mass death to much of the rest of the world, is front and centre in the hall of infamy as one of the most evil regimes in human history.

We in the west are currently not serious about winning this existential war, and if we remain so we will lose it.

The longer we are not serious about winning, the more drastic the measures needed to win it will become, which means the use of nuclear weapons comes comes ever closer.

Russia has a hunger plan. Vladimir Putin is preparing to starve much of the developing world as the next stage in his war in Europe. 1/16

In normal times, Ukraine is a leading exporter of foodstuffs. A Russian naval blockade now prevents Ukraine from exporting grain. 2/16

If the Russian blockade continues, tens of millions of tons of food will rot in silos, and tens of millions of people in Africa and Asia will starve. 3/16

The horror of Putin’s hunger plan is so great that we have a hard time apprehending it. We also tend to forget how central food is to politics. Some historical examples can help. 4/16

The idea that controlling Ukrainian grain can change the world is not new. Both Stalin and Hitler wished to do so. 5/16

For Stalin, Ukraine’s black earth was to be exploited to build an industrial economy for the USSR. In fact, collectivized agriculture killed about four million Ukrainians. 6/16

Notably, as people began to die in large numbers, Stalin blamed the Ukrainians themselves. Soviet propaganda called those who drew attention to the famine “Nazis.” 7/16

Actual Nazis had related ideas. They liked the idea of controlling Ukrainian agriculture. This was in fact Hitler’s central war aim. 8/16

Hitler wished to redirect Ukrainian grain from the Soviet Union to Germany, in the hope of starving millions of Soviet citizens. 9/16

The Second World War was fought for Ukraine and in considerable measure in Ukraine, between dictators who wanted to control food supplies. 10/16

Russian memory politics prepared the way for a 21st-century hunger plan. Russians are told that Stalin’s famine was an accident and that Ukrainians are Nazis. This makes theft and blockade seem acceptable. 11/16

Putin’s hunger plan is, I believe, meant to work on three levels. First, it is part of a larger attempt to destroy the Ukrainian state, by cutting off its exports. 12/16

Putin’s hunger plan is also meant to generate refugees from North Africa and the Middle East, areas usually fed by Ukraine. This would generate instability in the EU. 13/16

Finally, and most horribly, a world famine is a necessary backdrop for a Russian propaganda campaign against Ukraine. Actual mass death is needed as the backdrop for a propaganda contest. 14/16

When the food riots begin, and as starvation spreads, Russian propaganda will blame Ukraine, and call for Russia’s territorial gains in Ukraine to be recognized, and for all sanctions to be lifted. 15/16

Russia is planning to starve Asians and Africans in order to win its war in Europe. This is a new level of colonialism, and the latest chapter of hunger politics. 16/16

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You love a good doomsday scenario and I’m sure this theory stacks up well but if Ukraine holds the keys to world starvation wouldn’t they be A global super power as such ?

Putin is a mad man. I doubt he has any grand plan. I’d say it’s just to cause as much death and destruction as possible.

No they wouldn’t.

Putin has always had a plan to destabilise Europe by creating chaos in countries leading to an influx of millions of refugees into Europe. That’s exactly what he did with Syria. It’s a cornerstone of his planning.

He isn’t mad, just evil.


There was a segment on Claire Byrne during the week how everything will be grown in labs very soon and farming will be a thing of the past.

I find it hard to know what’s true at times.

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They’d want to have very big labs.

Was that Cena? I couldn’t see him there anywhere in the video?

Labs don’t grow on trees you know.

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Bad form

I think Cena holds the record for fulfilling the most wishes. A great guy using his profile for good.