Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

John Cena is gonna answer my wish to fullneson Clare Byrne & pile drive Luke o Neal in the name of Ukraine

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farming is doomed- all farms will be rewilded


Fingers crossed.

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The wearing the green jersey of 2022.

There is a thatched cottage where my dad and his family grew up being used to house a mother and daughter at the moment. It had been vacant for a while but given its proximity to Limerick they could have easily got 700/800 a month for it and it is fitted out fairly well. They are very nice and gracious people. Husband is in Odessa at the moment and they celebrated his birthday on a whatsapp call the other night. We have already had offers to babysit 2 little ones but we’ll leave them settle in first before we subject them to that. Not surprised by low uptake in offers of room. Slow moving nature of Irish red cross and dept of foreign affairs along with the war seeping out of public consciousness has also played a part.


Its up there with the peole volunteering to help the HSE during covid but only a handful were taken up on it. The people want to help but as you said the irish civil service couldnt organise

This fella has a real set against Irish farming.
He seems to be a climate alarmist and endorses a bit of anarchy i.e. leaving air out of tyres of cars, lying down on a motorway or tying yourself to the court of a French open. He is good to set out a particular view or arguement but when challenged always posts a picture of an obscure meme.


Unless they impose a vacant property tax I dont see where supply is coming from. There could be upwards of 100K dwellings lieing idle. Most towns and villages have space in top half of properties underutilised too. Last month a daft report said there were less than 1,000 rooms to rent nationwide. Anecdotally I have heard companys in Dublin pleading with employees to offer a room to new employees with a financial inducement. Would seriously aid job security as well if nothing else.
You also have a boomerang generation where children of retirees have had to return home to live with parents with the children themselves having their own children. 3 generations now under 1 roof. With Mica Redress, Retrofitting scheme and competing shallow pool of labour for new builds, inflation and supply chain issues, strict planning laws I cannot see where the supply is going to come from unless they impose a vacant property tax. I dont necessarily agree with it or know how it would work in practice but it seems the only logical play now given the other challenges at the moment.


Why not introduce a ‘use it or lose it’ with respect to vacant dwellings. If not used/developed after x amount of time, they are subject to compulsory purchase order. Problem with vacant tax, is that in era of inflation, it does not incentivise people to do something with holding.


There’s ghost estates for 10 years plus all over the country. A bit crazy alright.


I’d like to see how other countries approach this issue. We seem to have an abundance of property lying idle. I see a lot of dereliction now which is an eyesore for many towns and villages. Seems people are waiting for one fine day to make up their minds what to do with it. You’d have no problem lighting a fire under them.

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In fairness to the council here in Limerick they seem to have started taking action on derelict buildings, seizing them from owners where repairs aren’t made.

The problem is once the council seize them they are slow to do anything with them either.


We have a Derelict Sites Act on the books for this purpose for decades. It’s rarely used. The constitutional guarantee of property rights is a very strong disincentive in this regard. Is it right that there should be guarantees against the State being able to sequester your property. Probably in the round it is.


Agree completely but i do t see FFG introduce it. Doesnt suit their voter base etc. Its gas the journal ran 2 articles this morning one pascal said we are restricted by EU rules on borrowing to prevent us buildong more social housing while another article says we need to up our defence spending. Tone feaf to what people need. A vacent property tax will move property back on the market or bring in more taxes to build new houses. Here we have a refugees crisis with no where to put them and we have a relatively low number of refugees to house in comparison to other EU countries

For the last few weeks we are being drip fed articles about defence/neutrality… The one today about the EU not allowing build more houses is some joke. All the while gearing up to hand over 8 billion to NATO.


It was going on long before Russia invading too about purchasing more military equipment. Yet we are driving more and more people to the bottom. Its disgusting.

Funny thing is i read a theory on the creation of the british welfare state after WWI (social housing, NHS etc) wasnt to benefit and betterment of the commoners life but to ensure there was enough fit healthy young men for cannon fodder for the next war. Modern warfare is money for equipment and keep that greed machine rolling

Explain that one.

There’s two properties within 50 yards of my house.

First is corporation owned. It had a small downstairs fire about five years ago so the family had to be moved out into a hotel. The house has been caged. It would take very little to put it right. Don’t understand why nothing is being done.

Second one the auld lad in it died about five years ago. The lone daughter is some big shot in the financial sector of London. Financially the house means nothing to her. Just keeping it for sentimental reasons. Gave a key to a neighbour and hasn’t been seen since.

Two different examples of the waste houses around the country.

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I met sone Ukrainians yesterday at an event organised for Ukrainian and Irish families to meet, sone are in UL student accommodation at the moment but obviously that’s unsustainable come September

There’s a convent nearby that has been vacated in recent months, seems to be a perfect location but nothino happening with it

the anarchy is farmers killing the planet to make a few quid mate, not air being let out of tyres