Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Ukraine had a settlement agreed were it not for boris and joe needing a handy war to distract an idiotic public

What was agreed?

Stuff about borders and neutrality. Nothing you need to worry your head about. Its off the table now anyway

RIA Novosti declared a casus belli against Lithuania over the blockade of Kaliningrad.

Two days from now is June 22nd, just saying.

Looks like Clare Daly called it 100% bang on.

Zelensky must have plenty of time on his hands

A mate at work told me his 83yr old father is “pure sick” of Zelenskyy

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A cranky old man, well I never :man_shrugging:

Nero fiddled and Rome burned

He is surely a lock for Time person of the year.

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This is bullshit at this stage. It’s like the episode of Extras.

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The what?

Ben Stiller and Zelensky. Seriously, get fucked Ben Stiller. Ego massage. You’ll get Med cruises next with a day trip by bus from Genoa to the Ukraine and back again.


Are you ok?

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Remember. Zelensky is an actor too.

This seems like a battle of the bulge moment for Russia, they are throwing all they have at this, if it doesn’t work it could all crumble sharpish. Supposedly they’ve been ground to a halt in most places already. I’m going to make a bold prediction here ala “the war will be over by Christmas”. This war will be over before the summer ends, with the Russians largely pushed back into pre 2014 borders

Remember. Michael Martin is a primary school teacher