Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Since when have you had a sock puppet account @Julio_Geordio?

The people are real. The cases are real. The rulings are final.


He’ll do nothing

Only the US is allowed destabilise a country to force a regime change.

Hi Ewan

Any source that doesn’t have “dog dad” in their bio ?

I’m not particularly interested in your plans for tonight.

US intel has always, ALWAYS been impeccable.


Did Joe blurt out the false flag plan?

The US spokesman rowing back on it now :rollseyes:

No. Someone woke him up

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Brits advising against all travel to Ukraine and telling all their nationals to leave now.

Putin wouldn’t have tried this carry on when The Don was in charge

Game recognises game

Will NATO get overtly involved when Russia invades?

Biden urges caution

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This is all bad.


Has it been announced yet whether the new World War will be on Amazon Prime or Disney+?