Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Yis are getting fierce confused here. First I’m a “warmongerer”, now I’m a “virtue signaller”?

TFK is some place for the oul’ cliches in the absence of knowledge.

Will you ever fuck off with your shite.

The only thing you are suggesting is war for someone else. That makes you a complete fucking arsehole.

You need to stop lying when you lose a debate.

Lashing out and calling somebody who recognises there needs to be a firm strategy of deterrence “a warmongerer” is very weak, especially when it is your “strategy” which brings the likelihood of war ever closer.

You don’t keep democracies alive by being weak in the face of actual warmongerers, as you want.

Again I’ve asked you the questions. Again you have refused to answer.

What do think would be acceptable in “diplomatic” terms to Russia? Anything less than full territorial integrity for Ukraine including Crimea and Donbas plus the right to make its own alliances, and no veto for puppet Russian controlled territory over such, is not acceptable.

You haven’t answered.

You continually refuse to say whether Ukraine is right to ask the west for arms and whether those arms should be provided. Ukraine has already given its answer as to whether it will fight if the rest of it is invaded and you refuse to recognise this answer. You are not listening to Ukrainians.

You have your fingers in your ears and are whistling away, in denial.

Just to give you a brief summary of what actually happened in the thread vs whatever reality is going on in your head

  • You brought up that Russia already occupies 6 countries, as presumably you felt that it was relevant.

  • I pointed out that by your loose definition of occupied the US occupies about 40.

  • You said that wasn’t the same because the US was invited. (we will ignore Cuba and Diego Garcia for the sake of simplicity)

  • Balbec pointed out that several of the countries on your list invited the Russians

  • You said this didn’t count as they were run by dictators.

  • I pointed out that several of the countries where the US has bases are owned by dictators.

  • You said none of this was relevant to the Ukraine and called us racists/facists

On the other tangent

You said the US had nothing to do with the crisis.

  • I said it did. Clearly.

  • You said it didn’t.

  • I showed you facts.

  • You decided I was anti the democratic will of the people of the Ukraine and a Putin sympathiser.


This is where you disengage as he’s clearly wumming.

Great. These are your principles and you’re plenty happy for thousands of Ukrainians to die for them.

Was it you accused people of not listening to what Ukrainians want?

“I don’t want talks I want action!” You’re a child.

You’d hope so for his sake.

You refuse to consider it is relevant that Russia, which is the aggressor here, occupies six countries but somehow consider it relevant what the US, which has played zero part in creating this crisis, has done elsewhere over the years.

Are you Mick Wallace?

You haven’t a clue what happened in Ukraine in 2004 or 2014. You think the US was behind it. But it wasn’t. You refuse agency to the people of Ukraine. And you refuse to acknowledge the massive Russian interference in 2004 and 2014. Russia poisoned Yuschenko and its chaos agents rigged that election before the people rose up. In the winter of 2013/14 Russia bribed Yanukovych to not sign the EU Association Agreement and helped Yanukovych slaughter the people on the Maidan beforeYanukovych fled to Russia. Then Russia invaded.

Your position is as imperialist as it gets.

Ukraine has given you its answer. There are millions of people prepared to take up arms to defend their independence against Russia. You are telling them to lie down and be annexed like the Austrians in 1938.

But I never said that. You’re lying again.

I never said don’t talk. What you do is you speak softly and carry a very big stick.

You say there should be no stick.

When I said you were debating like a child, it struck a serious raw nerve with you, didn’t it?

And still you refuse to answer my questions.

He did not.

And you refuse to admit that those countries are dictatorships.

Ukraine has repeatedly called for calm, talks, deescalation and a dialling down of rhetoric. You’re not listening to Ukraine. You want sabre rattling and big sticks. Honestly, you’re a warmongering simpleton. Cop yourself on.

You still refuse to admit that Ukraine is pleading with the west to arm it.

Why do you refuse to admit this?

How can you have any leverage in diplomacy in this situation if you don’t carry a big stick?

Go on, tell us. Russia understands this. Ukraine understands this. You don’t.

You think turning up with a few flowers, a dove, a kumbaya and a fishing rod, baked beans and a can of lager like Gazza will impress the Russians.

Your arrogance is breathtaking. More than happy for other people far away to die for your principles. And then you’ll be proved right in your mind and tell everyone I told you so. I know you don’t like when your hot takes are exposed as rubbish so no doubt you’ll run and run with this all day. The only solution is through deescalation, talks, calm, negotiation. I’ll leave you there.

So much projection there. You treat the people of Ukraine like the peoples of Czechoslovakia and Poland were treated by Britain and France in 1938 and 1939. You’d be happy if Ukraine was carved up and thrown to the wolves.

Again, how do you have any leverage in diplomacy with a Hitler type figure like Putin if you are not prepared to carry a big stick to back it up?

The answer, as is obvious if you’d take the kumbaya blinkers off, is you don’t.

Putin laughs at people like you.

That was @Fagan_ODowd , I’m keeping out of it. Got shit to do.

Is that crackhead Hunter Biden still out there in Ukraine doing dodgy deals. No wonder sleepy joe wants all the yanks out

I actually think this is the perfect issue for @Cheasty to get worked up about because he can have no effect on the situation whatsoever, whereas with Covid you had headbangers like him being taken seriously.

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Jesus Christ he’s dead. You’ve killed him stone dead. Pow!

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Like you over the bringing up of your kid in Brazil?