Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Don’t be deluding yourself. We are being peddled propoganda from all sides. None of our thoughts are completely our own. I don’t think there is good on either side to be honest. There is no benevolent party involved.
To say one side provoked another, is not to say the other is innocent.

There’s a chap here warning about propaganda who literally doesn’t know how to spell the word. He sure knows how to swallow it though.

You couldn’t make it up.

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Putin recently produced a manifesto which to my mind clearly stated his aims.

He needs for the sake of Ukraines, his population and Europes to be exterminated

An aul world war would sort out the inflation in fairness.

I pointed out how your statement on the “USA and NATO” was a dead giveaway. Please back up your NATO statement, tell me why Germany were blocking weapons being flown over their skies from another NATO member was all part of this “US and NATO”’ plan. Your “two superpowers fighting over natural resources” after was “both sides” level of engagement.

In terms of propaganda, hold the phone! How long have you been on earth? So Zelensky engages in some propoganda, woopdifuckingdoo, this is in no way insightful. Your statement below is though as a follow up to your NATO = US stuff.

More Kremlin bingo.

The “negotiated settlement” you talked about what literally giving into that “superpower” you talked about when you were blaming the “both sides” game. Said superpower who do not respect Ukrainian sovereignty, want control of territory and a veto on all third party relations they engage in. I guess that kind of puppet is preferable to you, which is again why I post this. Because this is the level you’re posting at on this one, cul de sacs of hypocrisy and Kremlin bingo.

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Go to bed, you are embarrassing yourself now.

You haven’t given anything here other than some of that.

Please explain the “US and NATO” statement.

Please elaborate on your Zelensky point. You are critical because he did not take a deal from one of those “superpowers” to avoid a war. But wouldn’t that make him a…”puppet”, something you have thrown in here as a point of criticism.

I’ll go one step further (it might bamboozle you a bit as your level seems to be outrage at Ben Stiller visiting Zelensky). The John Mearsheimer school of “leave the east to Russia” is literally the “two superpowers” view of the world. You divide it up, not unlike what happened with empires over the centuries. You have your sphere of interests- for him the view is that you tag team and take on China. You each have your interests and don’t “compete”.

The real history of Ukraine in the last decade is absolutely a struggle internally from those who want to stay with Russia and those who want to go West. It’s a conflict and there are faults on both sides. But they are still a sovereign nation. NATO despite you drinking the Kremlin Kool Aid is not of one mind on them being with them, the pull has been from pro Western forces from within Ukraine. The endgame for you was for Zelensky to continue to be a Kremlin puppet, give up on the EU and give up on NATO. Your view is the superpower one, it’s the one that is simple for you in Ireland where you don’t have to deal with the refugees or commodity prices if signed. You want them to be a puppet, just so long as you don’t hear about it.


Ya but it’s all Americas fault or something

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Reuters was unable to independently verify the Russian account, or Zelenskiy’s claim that Russia intentionally hit the shopping centre to target civilians.

No, not all. This will eventually end with negotiations…hopefully. it’s only principled lads like yourself who see merit in escalating the conflict and fighting to the last drop of Ukrainian blood. Thankfully only savages wonder about the lack of diplomacy and statesmanship

Them Ukrainians and their notions of independence

We left them behind.

Whò do you mean? The Ukrainians who want to be Ukrainian or the Ukrainians who want to be russian?

Can the Ukrainians who see themselves as Russians simply cross the border to their motherland?

What had you in mind- some sort of ethnic cleansing?

Not at all.

If they want to live in Russia perhaps move on over there?

There are plenty of Russian speaking Ukrainians happy to live in Ukraine all the same.

It was nice of Vlad to tool up all the separatists in 2014 to engage in battles killing upwards of 14000 people?

These Russian speaking Ukrainians who want Ukraine to be part of Russia, are they a bit like those English speaking Irish people who want Ireland to be part of the UK? You can’t move in Galway these days without bumping into the latter.


I see. Killing themselves were they? That reminds me of hitler fining Jewish business owners for having broken windows.
Do you think up this bullshit on your own?

We can tell the unionists the same, go to Englandand Scotland. Dont see it working. Why has nobody suggested this before