Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

This is Pisky, an outer suburb of Donetsk city the Russians are trying to take off Ukraine.

Imagine the barbarity these scum have inflicted on the occupied Donbas since 2014.

Meanwhile Russians cry performatively on cameras in the backs of cars because their holiers in Crimea have been cut short. Crimea river, as they say.

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Or 100k NK refugees who defected from the army in Ukraine. There will be a fair amount taking off i suspect

I see the Kyiv Independent has backed up @Tank ’s testimony in an investigation/expose which revealed all sorts of misbehaviour within leadership of the foreign battalions.

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@tank needs to go mainstream with this.

Tfk is mainstream, mate

Is it?

@rocko delete my account.

Fao @Rocko @Bandage @briantinnion



Ooooohhhh boy.

Anything occur today at Nuclear Plant?

Homer accidentally stole an isotope

This is quite unfortunate.

Is he Rasputin

He’s like the fascist Rasputin.