Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Any whispers online as to the creators of this move?

I have seen it speculated that it could be FSB but it could just as easily be Ukrainian special forces or even Chechens wot done it.

And Montenegro’s government was brought down yesterday over them being too close to the Serbian Orthodox Church, for which, read Russia.

'Tis all happening.

This war does seem to be entering a particularly difficult phase for the Russians.

Definitely an interesting turn of events.

Article from March in Washington Post…

She seemed a nice lady….

It seems to me that a lot of the self styled “savvy” observers like to downplay Dugin’s influence on Putin.

“Savvy” is a term of abuse by me, by the way. “Savvy” means gaslighting delusionists with a massive ego who like to tell everybody to “calm down”, that terrible things won’t happen, that you’re just imagining crazy stuff. They have a terrible record.

If Dugin has so little influence on Putin, why has Putin unleashed a genocide on Ukraine? Why has Putin done pretty much everything Dugin fantasises about? It seems to me that Dugin’s influence on Putin is underplayed, if anything.

Serbia is an entirely owned Russian subsidiary.

It really is fascinating to watch.

This is the statement of the “National Republican Army” (NRA). I find it hard to believe this is a real group.



(HPA) OT 08/21/2022

We, Russian activists, military and politicians,

now partisans and fighters of the National Republican

Army, outlaw warmongers, robbers and oppressors

of the peoples of Russia!

We declare President Putin a usurper of power

and a war criminal who amended the Constitution,

unleashed a fratricidal war between the Slavic

peoples and sent Russian soldiers to certain

and senseless death.

Poverty and coffins for some, palaces for others - the essence of

his policy.

We believe that disenfranchised people have the right

to rebel against tyrants.

Putin will be deposed and destroyed by us!

Our goal is to stop the destruction of Russia and its

neighbors, to stop the activities of a handful of

Kremlin businessmen who suck at the wealth of our people

and commit crimes today inside and outside the country.

We declare officials of the Government of the Russian Federation and

regional administrations to be accomplices of the usurper - those who

do not resign their powers will be destroyed by us.

Would it be in “ Pro Putin “ circles interests to release such a statement?

Your guess is as good as mine.

I think the operative question is not so much “would it be in Putin’s interest” as “would Putin think it is in his interest”.

What is in Putin’s interest and what he thinks is in his interest have become two very different things due to his acrimonious divorce from reality.

Who is actually in Putin’s “circle” at this stage is also a question that is hard to come up with a proper answer for. I’d say “everybody and nobody” might be as close to an answer as you could get.

You know you’ve fucked up when both sides of a war want you killed

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I can’t believe it would or could be in Putins interest to degrade himself in any kind of worded Statement like that tbh.

Perhaps there are moves from within Russia to end his campaign of tyranny & dictatorship.

The population can only keep swallowing the line of shit they’re being being drip fed by Putins media circus for so long.

The Wealthy cohort must also be strained from the impact of sanctions

Well a faction of the FSB close to the oligarchs could be one explanation.

I wouldn’t have thought it would be in Putin’s actual interest to fabricate a fake insurgent group to either take fake responsibility or to actually carry out this, but he may think different, because he is divorced from reality.

Perhaps he does think that a false flag attack against Dugin - who as he sees it represents the true Russia - will drum up sympathy and rally the Russian population behind him. But what would that achieve? No amount of “rallying” by the public will change the fact that their army is floundering.

Neither would I be certain that Alexander Dugin was the target, though on the balance of probabilities I’d say he probably was. But it could be his daughter was the target as some of sort of warning to him.

I wouldn’t rule out that it could be some sort of embryonic insurgent group.

And I definitely wouldn’t rule out that Ukraine was behind it.

I wouldn’t rule anything in or out here.

I think all of these theories are possible. Who the fook knows. Anyway, it’s not as if we’re ever particularly likely to find out. Probably the only way we might find out is if there are more of these attacks.


Crimea is really getting it in the neck now. More attacks tonight. The question is what method is being used to attack. Better minds than me say it looks like new long range missiles that Ukraine officially does not have.

Reports on Al Jazeera say Russias economy is floundering badly despite Putins assertions otherwise.

Inflation in certain segments of economy seeing 40/60% increases.

Exports of Oil / Gas down by as much as 52% in May.
1000 Foreign companies lost.
Imports falling dramatically also.

Whatever hardships await Europe this winter, and there surely are plenty in store, it does seem there is a hell of a lot of wishful thinking on behalf of Putin’s western fanbois that Russia’ss economy and society would not suffer much more.

Though I’m sure it could be squeezed even tighter, much tighter, and should be.

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