Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Sure look it, we know you think western politicians should just kiss the asses of Putin and Lavrov.

Deluded doesn’t begin to describe that. They laugh uproariously at what you call “diplomacy”. They are not there to talk, or to seek “agreement”. They are there to insult, to take the piss, and to instill fear, and Europe just passively takes it.

“Agreement” to the Russians equals capitulation. Capitulation of their enemy is the only thing they will countenance as “diplomacy”.

Russia wants war. Goebbels style propaganda like this does not get broadcast if it is not the view of Putin. Use the subtitles button.

Fuckloads of troops going through Shannon again apparently

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They have to reinforce the Baltic states


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But, but, but the US are only interested in Ukrainian freedom :grinning:

Source you say? :see_no_evil:

Who is Liz Truss?

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You’re a wum or a fool.

Why can’t I be both?

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Putin is doing a hell of a job of killing off his own people.

Is supporting Russia the new thing for the edgy lads?


What is with the alcho blockheads wanting to invade these days? For all their faults, I don’t think the Saxons have the appetite for invading anywhere anymore. e.g. Imagine if Boris decided, fuck it, we’ll invade the rest of Ireland again. Or Spain deciding to invade Portugal or Morocco.

Toxic Masculinity, Putin is rife with it

They’d be better off setting up in front of the Russian embassy

Lads, as bad as the Russians are those Americans are not much better.

A roundabout way of protesting

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