Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Can people not debate the merits of Russia’s foreign policies without bringing up America? Its not an excuse

It’s pertinent though as the Ukraine issue is a resources grab.

The Chineeee have the right idea. Taking over the world by stealth without a bullet being fired. How many ports have they bought around the world? There’s a Chineee coldeydee shop in every town in Europe, they’re even exporting flus.

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Sounds like the war is off, lads.

They can’t get a ref.


Not to mention weed grow houses. They’re all over them here.

The ground is too soft for heavy machinery anyway

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Only war mongers like Sidney and the US were bigging up an invasion actually happening.

Looks like it’s fizzled out.

It’ll be embarrassing for @Cheasty if @Julio_Geordio has schooled him on foreign politics yet again.


Putin living rent free in everyone’s head

Careful now, anyone who thinks Putin isn’t going to invade the Ukraine is a facist


You need a fair play man in fairness

All jokes aside, this is great news

They probably all went of to that island Rogan described and resolved it there.

What great news? Russia cannot attain what it wants via diplomacy. It is very likely the Russians are posturing as they attempt to manufacture a false pretext for expanding a war they have been waging since 2014.

I was listening to a lad in the shop earlier and he wasting the Russians had collected no blood and this was a sure sign they wouldn’t go to war.

You do. You may as well throw your hat at it otherwise.

Cernovich is a far right, pro-Russia shill.

The reality is that it is the US government which is doing by far the most of anybody outside Ukraine to try and avert war.

Liz Truss went to Moscow mate. Didn’t you say she should have threatened the Russians?