Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

great stuff from Putin, all the wankers thought they had him over a barrell a few weeks ago with economic sanctions, he doesn’t give a fuck about any of them, especially that wanker in the white house

[SIZE=6]Vladimir Putin Says Russia’s Military Might Has No Match[/SIZE]
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday other countries should not have the illusion that they can attain military superiority over Russia, Interfax reported.

“No one should have the illusion that they can gain military superiority over Russia, put any kind of pressure on it. We will always have an adequate answer for any such adventures,” he was quoted as saying in an address he will present next week on the Defenders’ of the Fatherland Day holiday.

The report of Putin’s comments came the same day British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said that Putin posed a “real and present danger” to the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, all of which are NATO members. In comments published by The Times, Fallon said NATO was preparing to repel any possible aggression.

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In a conventional war any US backed state would destroy Russia without breaking a sweat. The Russians would have to resort to nukes fairly quickly.

Not being smart, how would you define a conventional war pal?[/SIZE]

[QUOTE=“The Most Infamous, post: 1095052, member: 1783”]
[SIZE=3]Not being smart, how would you define a conventional war pal?[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
Non guerrilla. Non nuclear. So Russians attacking a U.S. defended Ukraine with tanks airforce infantry or taking defensive positions after taking territory.

US technology is light years ahead

I think it won’t come to it. Two state solution is most likely with part of Ukraine ceded.

Good Post TUM,

Whatever way it’s spun the democratically elected government in Ukraine were overthrown this day last year by right wing lunatics.

Another point to note is it’s not like there are Russian bases being setup around the US geographically. I also think Putin is being slapped with sanctions for blocking the powers that be in the West from invading Syria. He vetoed against that war and to be fair, saved a lot of civilian lives in the process disregarding the whole ISIS situation which would be going on regardless.

The man is far from a saint but it’s not as black and white as we are told by the BBC/ Daily Mail etc…

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yes, the last 30 years has proven how mighty US backed armies are, iraq, syria etc etc has shown us that


Iraq was won as a war in days.

Syria is not a conventional war.


Iraq was won as a war in days.

Syria is not a conventional war.

Because Russia and China vetoed against a full on invasion, fair play to them :clap:

Vlad getting ready to go all in :fearful:

Any sources a tad less unhinged reporting this?

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Who knows. Lotta people shoutin things.

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Is this good or bad news?

It’s just news

Is it even news? It seems at the moment like it’s just words on the internet. Although I did read something recently that border clashes were escalating a bit.

Weren’t there a couple of Ruskies killed last weekend, which may or may not be a pretext for an escalation?

False Flag

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He sent an email to a friend to say he wanted to kill himself :smile: That’s proof right there… Vlad has to be the greatest cunt to ever walk the plannet.

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How many has he killed in Ukraine and Syria in the last few years, not to mention all of the assassinations of political rivals and journalists. I think Americans are scum too. I find it strange that posters on here who hate America love Putin almost by default. I hate both of the cunts.