Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

You can go back a lot further than that mate.

Grand, but does he have to assassinate journos and political rivals? He’s a fucking tyrant.

So they’re both cunts?

On different scales, but yes.

Russians are a different breed.

If you’re blue
and you
don’t know
where to go to
why don’t you go
where fashion sits



















Putin should be getting a noble peace prize.

Greatest leader of our time.


Bang, bang, you don’t mess with Vlad.

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You certainly don’t

Amazing how these things happen. Incredible coincidence, the timing of it.

A Russian lawyer who represents the family of Sergei Magnitsky is in intensive care after falling from the fourth floor of his apartment building near Moscow, according to unconfirmed reports.

The Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta suggested Nikolai Gorokhov had fallen after a winch snapped as he tried to lift a bath to a fourth-floor apartment, though details of the incident remained murky.

Magnitsky uncovered a massive fraud that implicated government officials, but was arrested in 2008 and died in prison in 2009, amid allegations he had been tortured and medical care had been withheld. Russia later put him on trial posthumously for tax evasion.

Gorokhov, 53, has represented the Magnitsky family since 2011, and was due in court on Wednesday as part of a case brought by Magnitsky’s mother against some of those allegedly involved in the fraud he uncovered.

On Wednesday, Gorokhov was supposed to appear in a Moscow appeals court. He was set to challenge a lower court’s refusal to hear a complaint filed by Magnitsky’s mother in relation to the fraud exposed by her son.

Gorokhov was also expected to be a witness in a U.S. federal case in Manhattan tied to the alleged fraud. That case was being handled by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, until he was ousted by President Donald Trump earlier this month.

Is Vlad gearing up for something

He’s always gearing up for something.

Take the soup, end up dead.

A Russian whistleblower could have been poisoned with soup but vital evidence about his last meal was “flushed away”, an inquest has been told.

Alexander Perepilichnyy collapsed outside his Weybridge home in 2012.

Traces of a chemical linked to plant poison were found in his stomach.

Claims have been made he was killed for helping to uncover a major fraud.

The pre-inquest hearing at the Old Bailey heard an ingredient in his sorrel soup may have been switched.

Russia is effectively Germany in 1938… 15m Russians died in WW2 to become what they fought against.

Not sure I’ll be travelling for the world cup with my olive complexion… They’re murderous bastards… You pasty paddy potatoes will be ok .

The instant I looked at this post, my heart jumped when I thought Des Cahill had been murdered by Putin.


Russia have wiped out the Ukrainian Navy

They are some boyos, the Russians

Of course they are. It’s the Yanks in their neighborhood sure