Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Putin has turned the gas off for good.

He’s fucked so


Both Zelensky and an official government Twitter account posted one word tweets last night along the line of “freedom” and “victory”. Was this just due to a successful push back in one region? Seems premature to be tweeting this type of stuff now.

I imagine they were just participating in some Twitter trend.


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It started with Amtrack in the US.
They tweeted: train

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Surely Ed Balls got in on the action.

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Not this one it seems.

Putin should be told to FRO.

Vladimir Putin, Fuck Off And Die


Tony cascarino tweeted the same thing

So brave. Well dun hon.

Ukrainians might not even have a tent to stay in soon…

Need to follow Spain’s example and make all public transport under 300k free .
Cc @uselessgreencunts

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Ukrainian twitter is awash with rumours that their boys have had a very good day. Big breakthrough in Kharkiv, not Kherson where the battles have been focused, but other end of the line altogether

Surely she can join only fans like everyone else ?

The Russians are FAKE NEWS.