Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

seeing a huge change online lately with Irish attitudes to Ukrainian refugees. Fuck off and go home, its safe there, being the main one. Posting up videos of people in a nightclub, they happen to be a year old, but facts usually dont matter in these things. Seems to be a similar thought that the Ukrainians here are taking up homeless peoples beds and getting handed brand new houses. Again, facts dont seem to really matter on the INTERNET, as long as it sounds good.


A small minority to be sure but still a disappointing number of small minded racist assholes.

yes, my twitter seems to see someone having a pop at Ryan about energy prices, followed by comments along the line of “blaming prices on a fake war”

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News headline this morning - No beds available for incoming refugees.

Ireland is full apparently.

The UN is racist now too

The red cross is too.

The majority of people that pledged accomodation pulled out when they realised they’d be guarda vetted as part of the process. Awesome

Fact remains there’s a shortage of accommodation. What’s the immediate realistic solution?

Shootings? Works in America.

Defeat Russia

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I don’t see how that would affect a majority of people? Its a simple process that takes 5 minutes to complete at the applicant side.

You’ve the Ukrainian flag in your bio. You’re doing your bit.

So no realistic solutions to the accommodation shortage. Got it.

I’d say the majority of people that pledged were people looking to scam for the 400 notes not genuine people looking to help

the offer of money came after the opening up for pledges, so I’d say the majority of people that pledged werent after money. I also doubt the garda vetting thing had much to do with it. It would seem to me that the logistical operation carried out by the red cross was severely lacking management and man power and they didnt organise it efficiently.

  1. The 400 notes came after
  2. You can rent a room for a lot more than 400 notes if its money you want

Fancy that.

I wonder is it possible that those pledging accommodation were simply unsuitable to do so when push came to shove.

It must be exhausting going around with your outlook.

It would seem most people that pledged accommodation were never even approached. They are looking for big wins rather than trying to house people one at a time.

What is it with far right headbangers and “solutions” to deal with they people want rid of?

That’s pretty much it. They also took the soft option and offloaded responsibility to the red cross, which is nonsense. Red cross Ireland is never going to have the staff on hand to undertake such a large and urgent task, and anyway it’s not their job, it’s the state’s job. The department of children should have owned that job and demanded staff to do it, same staff had to be shifted or assigned for other emergency situations like covid.

Edit. A mate’s family offered a house in march, no response, sent a follow up email a few weeks ago and there’s a family in there now. Case in point. How many offers are sitting there not followed up on?

My neighbour here had a Ukrainian lady come and view her house as an option to move into for a few months. The lady declined it! Too far from town, no public transport, 3 young kids in house and she didn’t think it was fair on them were the (valid I guess) reasons she gave… No idea what her alternative was