Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Should the department of foreign affairs or housing not been involved? If housing was required surely the people in housing would be better equipped to find huge amounts of it? Id say it suited DFA and Housing well to foist it all on children. Sure dept children have to find all the extra people to run the extra schemes and infrastructure and supports and did the emergency accomodation and you also want them to come up with actual housing for 50,000 people? Wow.

The department of housing are involved, they’re looking at long to medium term solutions for the people coming in, on top of the housing crisis already

So basically able to do nothing for either group

You can’t criticise the govermente response though because people have hitched their virtue to it

This fella has some ideas

Somebody somewhere is making an awful lot of money using the hotels and b&bs

No. Children are responsible for all the operational aspects of asylum and reception now, which is good, it’s a much better fit than Justice. Housing no, seeking and finding accommodation for individuals not their brief, but they and the local authorities should be in emergency mode looking for options for accommodation and making them available to Children. Getting the local authorities engaged with this is fairly difficult I’d say. Nothing to do with DFA, sure it’s domestic.

It’s a big task but Children is the department that owns it. It’s an emergency so they should request and have had staff seconded from elsewhere to do it.

The housing department is engaged and it has to be because under eu temporary protection, ukrainian people entering Ireland have a right to housing

That’s an excellent idea

They’ve gone for the modular houses though which the housing expert strongly advised against, a temporary solution which will lead to them being permanently forgotten, ie, not sustainable, he’s probably racist too though for pointing that out

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Just heard there 130 asylum seekers sleeping rough in Dublin city centre as there was nowhere to put them. Thats grand though keep them coming

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The OPW have engaged Sisks. Modular housing is coming to every public park near you.

November 2022 it will begin

These people are irrelevant to @glasagusban and @Gman

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Ukrainian refugees should stay in their bombed out homes in Ukraine. It’s just too bad. We need to drop all sanctions against Russia and let the gas flow again. And let Putin do what he wants.

The real victims of all this are us in Ireland and other western European countries unaffected by war.

Something like that, yeah.

They should at least slow down the influx of these people while we prepare a plan. It’s ridiculous what’s going on. Could someone tell them to walk rather than run when the bombs are falling? Maybe they could get the bus across Europe rather than the train. We need joined up thinking on this.

We’ll first need to tell the hundreds of thousands returning to Ukraine to be bombed, could they pass on their accom details to those going the other way. Hundreds of thousands of beds must be empty if they are all heading back… Would save a lot of hassle. We can presume since they are heading back to be bombed they won’t be back to take the beds they are vacating.

That seems a reasonable assumption alright. Surely they have a WhatsApp group or something? They need joined up thinking.

Anybody know the breakdown of where all those fleeing went and how many are in each country?

They do, they literally dont know if they are coming or going.