Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

In Croatia now, the place is full of Ukrainians on holidays, some war alright

lest see how hungry these boys are for taking in refugees when they are paying 500 pound a month for esb

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Seems the Ukrainians have the Russians on the run in a few places. Be an interesting few days, hopefully they are like the Liverpool defence, once you get in behind them they are goosed

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This thread contains a lot of description of murders by the Putin regime.

Norm talking a bit of common sense. I suppose
Hussain and the haemorrhoids will have to scramble around and find some way to link him with alex jones?

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Noam has a very soothing voice so I’ll give that a listen later :+1:

You ok, hun?

Can you give us a few bullet points?

(00:00) - Introduction
(01:32) - Putin’s motivations
(14:39) - War in Ukraine
(21:41) - Propaganda
(29:05) - China and American relations
(44:06) - Hope for humanity

Noam is adamant that a diplomatic solution should be sought and notes the torrent of abuse thrown at people who suggest this.

After a lifetime of batting for the left, @Cheasty and his little sidekick @carryharry , will be along to dismiss Noam as a right wing puppet of Putin.

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Norm takes the unusual view that diplomacy may serve a purpose. Clearly he doesn’t realise that peace should be made between doves and not hawks.

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Is it worth a listen?

Has he any ideas on how to handle Putin? What with his invasions, torture & holding the world to ransom with his Energy games?

Diplomacy and Putin​:smiley::smiley:

He did mention something about how the rest of the world laughs at ‘the west’ when they take the high moral ground in relation to things like invasions, torture etc


Sounds like the Ukrainians are hammering the invaders, no wonder there’s been a noticeable increase in Tankies and Russian apologists this week.