Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

That would get you a two week ban in the Lookalikes thread


The calls for peace from Mick Wallace types will be getting louder now that Ukraine have, to use football commentary parlance, retaken the initiative.


Is your love fore clare daly on the wane?

expect the likes of @MountLeinster @Crutches and the other rural simpleton to be crying blue murder about Gas shortages for the next few weeks


Can I still be a rural simpleton if I live in GCD?


admins, replace @Crutches with @anon67715551 please



Won’t worry me mate. No problems milking here in spite of the greenie idiots.

Oh, and ah… Éamon Ryan is a simpleton. Now off you pop to join the rest of the urban filth in ye’re cute little chants in Tallaght.

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These are serious Ukrainian gains.

Hon Ukraine.

These fake videos are great craic.

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Lads will believe anything if it’s on Twitter.

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Moscow Mundeps offered Putin to resign

September 9, 2022 18:58

The Council of Deputies of the Moscow municipal district Lomonosovsky appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a demand to resign. The deputies noted that, starting from Putin’s second term, “everything has gone awry”: there has been no doubling of GDP, the minimum wage has not increased to the declared figures, smart and hard-working people are leaving Russia en masse, and there is no promised stability.

> “Elections are approaching, and in a few days the composition of our Council will change. We have held our positions for five years and the time has come to give them up to fresh people, with new ideas and forces. Studies show that people in countries with regular turnover of power, on average, live better and longer than in those in which the leader leaves office feet first. You had good reforms in the first and partly in the second term, but after that everything went wrong somehow. (…)

> The rhetoric that you and your subordinates are using has been riddled with intolerance and aggression for a long time, which in the end effectively threw our country back into the Cold War era. Russia has again begun to be feared and hated, we again threaten the whole world with nuclear weapons.

> In connection with the foregoing, we ask you to relieve yourself of your post due to the fact that your views, your management model are hopelessly outdated and hinder the development of Russia and its human potential.

Earlier, such an appeal was reported by municipal deputies from St. Petersburg, the Smolninskoye district. They plan to send an appeal to the State Duma in the coming days with a proposal to accuse Vladimir Putin of high treason because of the war in Ukraine.