Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Ukraine Slava Ukraini GIF by GIPHY News

There’ll be a few people falling out of hospital windows in the next few days I’d say.


We’re destroying the Ruski bastards

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That’s superb

Endgame for Vlad is approaching hopefully Mussolini style

He’ll turn to China now.

When Hitler invaded Russia the end game was there for Stalin. He was a sitting duck after purges and eschewing all military heads ups on the invasion. He looked like a fool and went into hiding Norma Foley style. The evidence was clear but he wouldn’t listen and no one in Russia had the balls or the wherewithal to take him down. Molotov and the lads essentialy felt an all powerful Czar would be more benificial for survival. They were proved right in the end.

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Izyum soon to be in Ukraine’s hands according to Twitter.

He can’t get the gas to China apparently, that was the playbook to get around the impact of sanctions. It does feel as though winter will decide how long he can stay in power as he has played all his cards (except nuclear weapons :face_with_spiral_eyes:).

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Looks like the sanctions are working and Russia will eat itself and Vlad.

The nihilists calling for the nuclear destruction of Russia were a bit premature

Lets hope the rural simpletons who think the energy crisis is an attack on rural ireland can stay strong a few more months


Anything to be said for another little carbon tax?


Don’t be giving us ideas.

Thats a question for FG mate, they introduced it 10 years ago

Who are these people?

The Yanks must definitely be on the ground over there. Perhaps not in the field but pulling the strings in the missile control centres.

…you don’t say mate?

I’m not convinced by the tone of your tone???


The Russians did a runner en-masse, important town now in Ukraine’s hands.