Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

If this stuff starts predominating on Russian television the game is up for them.

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Non comrade Nadezhdin would want to stay away from the windows for a while.


Russians are probably at their most dangerous right now.

The Allies were very worried during the Battle of the Bulge and barely held on, but they did. Counter attacks aren’t always decisive.

Hope I’m wrong but I’d fear that Nuclear plant is a real target as things stand now as the cunts retreat

It seems to me the advantage at a macro level is very much with the Ukrainians and that any future Russian counter would be the appropriate comparison to the Battle of the Bulge. What has occurred over the last week looks much more similar to the initial push after the Normandy landings.

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You could well be right, but historically Russia has had far more men to throw into the fight and that is how they tend to overcome adversity. Whether they can get the men this time around without massive political fall out I don’t know. The tweet above about the Chechens being used to force the Russian soldiers to fight was chilling and informative in equal measure.

Events seem to be happening with lightning speed, Putin could be unseated or taken out very quickly the way things are going, hopefully the Ukrainians have enough military hardware to keep the foot on their throat.

Russia’s record in war is very overrated. As the USSR they obviously had the ultimate success of World War II but that was a defensive war. There is a massive difference in psychological and military dynamic between a defensive war and an offensive war, especially one which was the brainchild of one lunatic and for which there was little fervour for within Russia itself. Most especially the difference comes in the willingness of men to volunteer to fight, knowing why they are fighting.

This looks like another Afghanistan or first Chechen war for the Russians, except much, much worse. In those wars the US was either not involved at all or not involved to near this level and crippling sanctions were not an issue either.

I’m surprised that studio discussions like the one I linked are being aired. Once that stuff starts being aired you’re in big trouble, the whole population start to recoil and turn on the leader and defeat starts to become an inevitability.

You mean - hopefully the US can keep supplying them with hardware at warp speed

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I am surprised this is being aired too. The blondie grey laddie looked the very epitome of evil.

All true. Dunno if the Kremlin still retains the hearts and minds
Not as easy to throw endless bodies to their deaths nowadays what with twitter etc. Big part of why they’re failing now. You can see your sons and daughters getting their brains blown out live on Telegram, that wasn’t the case previously

The Chechens are under the cosh right now I’d say

I wouldn’t have minded seeing yer man’s reaction to the idea of his children being called up to fight

Lads this mental would have no issue pushing their kids on to the front line.

They are getting their holes opened

Do you think the Russian population are being teed up to give more support to the cause here?

It’s either an actual revolt against Putin which I’d find hard to believe or just a ploy to gain sympathy before launching a serious attack in retaliation.

We’ve won :muscle:

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Nothing is won whilst guns are being fired in anger still

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No. The Russians fucked up. They have under-estimated the Ukrainians all along and ultimately this will prove their undoing