Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Ukraine allowed them to be self governing regions with Ukraine as part of a peace agreement following conflict with Russia.

But you have commented on it. I’m not being confrontational with you here, lets just go through it. You have repeatedly said they’re republics. You said they want to be separate from Ukraine. So you’re accepting their vote that they said they had. You’ve taken the view that no other country in the world apart from russia has accepted.

It wasn’t a legitimate referendum for lots of reasons.

I asked you a question. Does Russia observe the “Minsk Protocol”?

I’m going to annex my neighbour’s garden today and hold a referendum of 1 to recognise my legal jurisdiction over it. I vote Yes to annexation. 100% of the vote.



They are self declared republics

I haven’t declared any stance

Ok mate. That can be the view that you and Putin take. No one else accepts them as such. I’ll leave you there.

So is my self declared Republic of my neighbour’s back garden.

Make sure your Twitter list is updated before you head off to your neighbours garden.

I’ll try. I know you love getting your opinions from it.

Whether or not anyone accepts them as such, they’re there.

They are regions of Ukraine that are controlled by separatists, and declared themselves republics. Self declared republics.

I don’t know why you’re trying to align me to Putin for pointing out this simple fact to you or how you’re attempting to take some moral high ground again by bailing out, when you’ve basically got everything wrong here

Would you have considered the so called Sudetenland a legitimate, autonomous area of self-government?

Godwins law personified. There is zero point in me engaging with you

It doesn’t matter what i call autonomous or legitimise or what you or glas do.

Ive stated nothing but facts here without any political leaning or favouring.

One fella trying to align me to Putin and another to Hitler.

It doesn’t take much

So you refuse to answer the question. The situations in the so called DPR/LPR are directly comparable to the situation in the so called Sudentenland in 1938.

And we have a megalomaniacal dictator openly threatening unprovoked first strike nuclear war on Europe. But apparently that’s not a serious situation because, oh, it just isn’t.

Like so many lifestyle contrarian “experts” on the INTERNET do when faced with a question they can’t answer, your response is to shriek “Godwin’s Law”, mistakenly assuming it constitutes some sort of a devastating point. It only makes you look like an eejit. But then I suppose you’re well used to that feeling over the last month or so.

I didn’t try to align you to Hitler. I think if anybody tries to align you to Putin it’s more than fair. Like Mick Wallace, you’ve provided more than enough evidence that you’re that way inclined.

You’re arguing against someone else completly here.

You seem to just pick one person and take the whole of the internet out on them… have a good one

I asked you a simple question which you refused to answer. I have correctly described your stance on this thread.

Meanwhile you throw out lies and argue against things nobody said.

Everybody can see the slippery slope into the rabbit hole you’ve decided to fall down.

There’s no moral high ground. There’s things that are true and are facts, and things that are not.

I’ve tried very patiently to point out to you that these places are not republics. They’re not recognised, they’re not states, the votes that happened are not legitimate, the declarations are not legitimate.

The suggestion that these two areas are republics is wrong. It’s been rejected at every turn by everyone bar Putin and Russia.

Why then do you keep calling them republics? They are not.

Can you pause for a second and ask, why you’ve argued fervently in favour of of something that the rest of the world, bar Putin, has rejected?

I haven’t argued anything, they are regions of Ukraine that are controlled by separatists that have called themselves Republics. Thats a fact. The question was, why are they there and you’re after getting yourself all hot and bothered on some moralistic quest about me legitimising them or some shit. Grow up

They’re “there” because the GRU and Russian little green men including Wagner mercenaries put them “there”.

Same as what was done in Crimea and was attempted unsuccessfully in other provinces of Ukraine, amounting to about 40% of its territory.

An invasion, in other words.

Everybody can see you choose to use the language of the imperial coloniser. Everybody is entitled to draw conclusions about what that says about you.

Seems to me Ukraine should just retake these self declared republics. Self declare them Ukraine and no one can have any issue with it, maybe they take some of Russia too while they are at it.

Draw away mate