Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

They’re not self declared republics. No one recognises them as such. Their secession is a fiction, a pretence. I told you that the first time.

you’re factually wrong

the Minsk agreement meant Ukraine changed their constitution granting self government to parts of the Donbas region but never really followed through with it

Those Minsk aggreements are probably the easiest way out of it, and were already agreed by all parties, just not implemented. Ukraine blames Russia and Russia blames Ukraine.

I’d hold Russia responsible myself for the breakdown in that treaty, they lied and said they had no forces in the region and therefore weren’t party to the treaty, but I don’t think they trusted Zelensky to uphold the agreement either, especially as he was getting bolder with support from Western leaders


You seem a little testy here. Have you ever tried a bit of diplomacy?

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What have I said that’s factually wrong? They are not legitimate. They are not “self declared republics”. Nothing that you’ve said makes their secession legitimate.

they are self declared republics the DPR and LPR, democratically acknowledged in the region. Ukraine legitimised them in Minsk Agreements and then never followed through. It’s isn’t a fiction. It’s a signed agreement between all parties involved. Russia recognises them as independant states. The West doesn’t. Hence the war. So again you’re factually incorrect.

For an arrogant lad you really aren’t all that informed and I don’t think you know what self declared means

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Fascinating to see glas demanding to get his own way whilst simultaneously pretending to have an adult conversation

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They are not recognised as republics by anyone, bar Russia, which recognised them in 2022.

They are not republics, it’s a fiction maintained by no one except Putin (and you and Glenshane apparently).

Oh would you come off it.

No one recognized the irish republic set out in 1916-1919 either… But shur, we ploughed on anyway.

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Ukraine and Russia signed the Minsk agreement in 2014 to deescalate the situation in the East of Ukraine

This second agreement imposed more obligations on Ukraine, especially regarding the scope of the “special status” of the self-proclaimed republics. It required the Ukrainian government to change its constitution to decentralize and adopt a special status for the republics. Moreover, these changes would have to be approved by representatives of the self-proclaimed republics—Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR)—which gave Russia an opportunity to influence decisions concerning the legal order of Ukraine2. By signing Minsk II, Ukraine agreed to this.

Ukraine agreed to this. It required the Ukrainian government to change its constitution to decentralize and adopt a special status for the republics. Ukraine agreed to this.

Lie to yourself all you want mate


This does not mean they are republics. They were never independent states.

nobody said they were independent states, they are self proclaimed republics and this was recognised in the minsk agreement.

the question was why are there self declared republics in the East of Ukraine and you’ve stuck your finger in your ears and yelled there aren’t, displaying a lack of knowledge and an amazing arrogance

The Minsk agreements were brokered by France and Germany, with the relevant parties

You said they are self declared republics.

I said they’re not. They’re not in any way republics. Their declarations are not legitimate. They are not recognised as legitimate by anyone, except Putin. They are not republics. It is a pretence, a fiction.

I really don’t think I can answer your question any more clearly than that.

What if these regions recognise them? I think there’s a clue in the question he asked.

Are you denying the right to self determination ?

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they’ve declared themselves are republics mate, however much you want to shout they haven’t doesn’t change the fact that, those areas themselves have declared themselves as republics and are controlled by sepratists since 2014. They call themselves the DPR and LPR. Whether or not they are recognised or legitimised by anyone they want to be separated from Ukraine. .

Like Ireland had a proclamation of Independence in 1916 and then fought for it until it seceded in 1922


Im mortified you had to explain that.

You cant become a republic until certain powerful states recognise you. The catch is, they won’t recognise you until you break away… But you cant break away because youre not recognized… You’ll only be recognized once you break away but dont you dare break away, because we don’t recognize you…


I’m not shouting. I’m trying to state the facts to you clearly.

Can I ask do you honestly believe those declarations are in any way legitimate? Why is Russia the only country in the world that recognises these pretend republics?

You genuinely believe this? Do you think whatever vote or referendum they had was above board? You’re satisfied with it?

Ukraine agreed to the Minsk protocol mate

I’m not informed enough to comment on the democratic process that was in place.

Whats your stance on the Catalonian declaration of independence and their vote for such?

Does Russia agree to it?

Both sides broke it almost immediately but Russia acted dishonestly by refusing to acknowledge their presence in Donbas