Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

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Their attitude to war has changed pretty quickly when they had to go and fight

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They’d remind you of SRFC on tour


Maybe it’s dawning on them that it’s not just a special military operation that was originally sold to them.

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I would say though St Petersburg is not very representative of Russia as a whole, it would famously be the European city of Russia. They would have much more access to news etc than the East of the country. Although amazingly access to independent news has some people on TFK on Putin’s side, so maybe that’s where he is slipping up


Navalny activists calling the son of Putins spokesman(Peskov)

Its remarkable how you are aware of European leaning cities in russia but are too frightened to acknowledge that there are russian leaning cities in ukraine. Point out where someone said anything in support of this invasion




Bored, broke and oblivious no more.

Conscription tends to be what turns people against wars their country started.

The auld sanctions are a real slow burn.Putrid is going to end to end up with a bullet in the back of his nut.
A right evil little bastard.

Crown Prince Bin Salman will be the peacemaker here yet

He is a man of peace

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In fairness I am all for Republics.

@Hisenberg , @Thomas_Brady and @estebandaface

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Indeed. Would you not be concerned at all about their nuclear arsenal though?
