Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Cement factory beside you there has you secure in fairness.

Have they started burning tyres yet?


I’m hearing things arent going so well in Mungret gate. You might need to move out the road a bit yet.

Structurally or socially?

Both mate.

Anti-social carry on is already being reported locally unfortunately.

I wouldnt live there if you paid me.

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Obviously a sounding of opinions based on location and other biases but interesting to hear the different views. The ones in favour were of the order of “for the honour of Russia” and “I support Putin”. Pretty telling really.

The want want want brigade. Some of them who get stuff for free now causing trouble.

Putin better ensure that half of the draftees are women or the hard left will be enraged.


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Text my man in Russia to see if all was okay, he just text back “absolute chaos, everyone trying to leave”

That particular video was debunked, but the Times have an article detailing the exodus.

That’ll be debunked tomorrow my friend.

I’ll wait to see what @Julio_Geordio’s man on the ground says.

Meanwhile there’s a couple of lads here on tenterhooks waiting to hear the results of the referendums in the “self-declared republics”.

He says @Thomas_Brady is a gowl

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I doubt anyone here is on tenterhooks.

Цеwь in local dialect.

What if the lads over vote for Russia?

Exit poll results will be very, very interesting.