Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Thats just Chinese whispers


Vlad the cad mightn’t like this - can any of our resident Serbs confirm this news from the homeland?

Question is will anybody recognise them?
Even the Chinese aren’t happy about it.

A few on here will



Interesting press conference in fairness. Questions were coming from all angles.

9 killed in a school shooting in Russia. You’d hope it’s not some false flag-type exercise to curry favour for their recruitment.

Who’s your ideal school shooter?

Up to 13+ now.

I see they have ballot boxes setup all over Russia for this referendum. Emblazoned with the Russian coat of arms and all.

According to investigators, “he was wearing a black top with Nazi symbols and a balaclava” and was not carrying any ID.

None in a normal world. I would have thought it was a bit of an outlier to happen in Russia.

Did he have a copy of the video game “The Sims 3” with him as well?

It’s all falling apart for putin now.

I was listening to an expert earlier and he was saying the fighting will largely stop shortly for the winter. He was saying Putin will desperately Europe will have a miserable winter energy wise and they’ll force Ukraine to bend in the spring.

Will it? Did the fighting stop in the World Wars in the winter? Did it stop in the 2014-15 war? No, it didn’t. Missiles don’t particularly care whether its winter or summer. Well, at least functioning western made ones don’t, not sure about shite Russian made ones.

They stopped for a soccer match on Christmas day

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The winter finished hilter

I wonder were there German analysts who believed the fighting would stop during the winter.

When this war started everybody said Putin had only a few weeks to get going before the ground softened. That tanks move better on frozen ground.
