Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Toddle along….


Capitalism wins

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The role in what? The decision to invade Ukraine is on Vladimir Putin. That’s all there is to it.

Are you going to embarrass yourself and start shitting on about a Marshall Plan for Russia post the Coke War again?

Jaysus. Yourself, harry and glas are children. Nothing more.

Little old Russia felt threatened.

If the Beijing rumours are true tonight… Putin is in big trouble

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Go on…

Surprised you don’t know, you have your finger so close to the pulse here

Everything ok?

A coup?

Ukraine should have folded like Belarus and none of this would have happened.

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Xi out and the army in control is all over Twitter

Again, Putin is solely responsible for the invasion.

Talking about “nuance” is BS and not remotely intelligent.

That could be either good or bad for him.

Differing thoughts online on this notion of a coup

Ah right. That’s that so. Everything is simple after all.

Do you think there was an actual threat to Russia brewing?

Christ. Nobody said territorial disputes were simple but are you really this thick?

You may as well talk about any conflict on earth and rattle off your “nuance” ffs. You listened to a podcast that talked about Russia needing more cash post Soviet Union but here’s the rub- Russia is a country that still thinks it’s an empire. They have vast resources that they could run Norwegian style economy if they wanted.

Putin did this, it is entirely on him.

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I think you’re distilling this down into some imaginary nonexistent argument about who invaded Ukraine. There’s really nothing to say there.