Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Why isn’t Sid and Glas crying about this invasion? Sickening double standards.

Tis the latest in a long line of pities. But i suppose if you were living there you might think otherwise

I’d say they’re thrilled in Mariupol alright.



Yeah. It depends. Well done.

This is compelling. It was the womens marching on the palace that really got the ball rolling in the French Revolution



You sure that’s Germany? :joy:

Alright harry. Which of the three hadn’t already been agreed?

It was women marching that began the Russian Revolution too

Too late. I saw that.


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Ukraine seems to be close to encircling Lyman, which is the next strategic large town/city and a key to the region. Fair chance they’ll trap a lot of Russians in there as well

18 more HIMARS

So I was correct

Where would those cavemen get a underwater drone ffs?

Lolz… The Russians gave them the excuse. Good one.

♫ Would you believe they put a man on the moon, man on the moon ♫.