Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Aye. The russians bombed a pipeline that biden and blinken said they would put out of operation.

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Russia is getting like Covid, it’ll be blamed for deadbeat Dads not paying child support soon enough, I couldn’t pay the support this month because Russia

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Its as clear as day the yanks took out the gasline, as part of their stratedgy. It doesn’t fit the euro lickarse narrative though, so blame them Russians

Neither pipeline was actually in operation though? The Russians shutdown Nordstream 1, and the Germans never allowed Nordstream 2 to open. Be a fairly ballsy move by the US to bomb it, you could see why they might, but it would be a very high risk move in terms of public opinion, their European allies etc. But it’s probably more likely Russia with little to lose trying to jack up the price of gas again to cripple Europe and get them to the negotiating table. Occam’s razor and all that.

Unless the Ukrainians could have managed it, but again, they would hardly piss off their European backers.

I thought it would have been silly for Russia to bomb it initially, but the more you think about it, they’ve nothing to lose at this stage, they need to cause as much of a crisis as possible in Europe so they can use that lever, because it’s all going to shit for them militarily, and the conscription etc has been a total cluster fuck

Why would an anonymous source lie

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Why would Russia bomb something they could just turn off. Plus it would have been hugely profitable to them in the future. They want negotiations and a return to normality with Europe, hoping annexed territory gets accepted by being quickly forgotten about, it’s not like they want all out conflict forever

It was already off. If it was them it was to force up gas prices to try and make Europe waver.

Exactly. They control it so that forces up prices, so why would Russia need to stop it by bombing it? As a false flag or something. Ok, but they’ve kneecapped themselves when they want to turn it back on

Who profits? The russians are looking at some sort of end game. The longer the conflict goes on the better for the us, their arms industry, nato expansion, their arms industry, their oil and gas industry etc. The russians can turn off the gas any time they want.

Why would Russia bomb their own infrastructure and take away their only bargaining chip left. I dont think so. This is a line that was oft repeated today. “It wasnt in use anyway”. Mainly by US counterparts, the press secretary, CIA operative. Biden and his secretary of political affairs are on record saying they would shut it down. Who had most to gain? What had Russia to gain? Who had most to lose? Who had direct motive? Why would Russians not just commit to shutting it down? Your summation is less Occams Razor and more Hiccum Dictum.

To force up gas prices

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Why would the US risk pissing off its allies when the war is playing out better than they could have imagined?

Higher gas prices. Russia had nothing to lose, the US risked pissing off their allies. Russia, the US and possibly Ukraine. They already had.

The US dont give a single continental fuck about anyone else but themselves mate.


Ok, then by that thinking they want to force Europe to the table, a quick tacit acceptance of annexed territory and bogus elections then Russia will lower the prices by switching back on the…oh…no wait…they bombed it…

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It’s not a conspiracy to suggest the US look out for solely their own interests

The Russians had everything to lose. They have lost their only card they realistically had left to play.

@Julio_Geordio is slowly morphing into glas

Not at all. Of course they do. In this case I would suggest it wasn’t in US interests. It would turn public opinion in Europe against them. Dropping bombs on a pipeline in basically their allies waters. They are trying to keep the Europeans with them to back the Ukrainians and fuck Russia.

Look I don’t in any way think the US is trying to save the World here. But its already coming up perfect for them, they have a show made of the Russians and will use the Ukrainians to fight a proxy war for them, what have they to gain from risking being caught blowing up a pipeline that isn’t even in use.