Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

He’s a right rogue.

Why couldn’t he draw up these fake elections and try the annexation in February as opposed to launching an invasion to take the whole country.

He’s killed thousands and made himself look a bit foolish doing so.

Have a word with him @glenshane

what if the elections come back against the Russian positions?

It’d be hilarious watching lads on here double back on themselves and declaring them bastions of democracy

they did it in 2014. ukraine had counter referendums. Guess what happened?

Thats cute. You’ve used a few big words and referenced some professor to fool harry or yourself into the notion that you have a clue.
But you’re right about one thing- russia invaded Ukraine, not Luxembourg or Thailand. We should probably pat you on the head and acknowledge your insight.
You remind me of john bruton’s critique of the north- pompously moralistic, the epitome of mediocrity and unflinchingly and tediously condemnatory of the ira, while ignoring all other factors and players- but his own self importance was intact so that was ultimately all that mattered. The fact that he was completely fucking useless didn’t factor in. I take it you’re a massive john bruton fan?

You seem awfully triggered by podcasts. Whats all that about?


Come on mate, be serious

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A lot of waffle in that post

I’m quoting the jumbled up arguments you’ve made.

What’s cute is your referencing TFK fave John Bruton, you hoping for a bit of support here?

Not one argument back…probably because you’ve already forgot the podcasts you lifted them from.

The bear has been poked…

Im sure the yanks are shitting themselves

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Some Russians with a rounders bat trying to launch a few grenades.

If the United States of America get involved they’ll liberate Ukraine in a week and they’d be in Moscow a week later.

You didn’t quote anything, you imbecile

21/9/22 :thinking:

He’s not great at the oul speech making Vladimir, is he?

Any lad that says “and I’m not bluffing” is talking pure shite

Boris is a leader of men.

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You’d think a brit would understand the meaning of ‘colonise’

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They have a group of Ruskies trapped in Lyman. They are trying to break out of the encirclement and getting slaughtered, according to twitter anyway. Nice way for Vlad to mark his big referendum victory

Are Ukrainian troops in any of the annexed territories at present?