Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I’d say you’re terrified of letting go of such an infantile world view. In years to come sixteen year olds will study the conflict and write essays about the origins, the key players, the opportunities to avert the crisis or to seek peace.
An earnest but mediocre student will probably ignore everything that has been taught and explored, list the crimes of putin and conclude that “the person responsible for the war is putin”. Hopefully they’ll get an e for effort.
Now fuck off with your sub-mental banalities.


Our Electric Ireland bill came in this morning, I thought for a second this was the end of us.

I was expecting at least a 50 or 60 thousand euro bill.

Turns out as we’re prudent in what we do it’s only gone up 40 euros vs the last bill.


@glenshane I’ve been extremely consistent.

The really mediocre will claim nuance in citing the need for a Marshall Plan for Russia whilst ignoring that the root of this problem remains Russian Imperialism which has never been truly busted. All cos you listened to one podcast.

Again, you are a great man for bluster on the US but not mentioning Russia. This statement;

It is needless because of Putin, not a US proxy war. Unless of course you believe that Ukraine should just have accepted Russian Imperialism?

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I don’t think China have the capability of doing this here. They don’t have the reach for such an operation.

This is fairly sophisticated. The only ones who seem to be able to do it are Russia and the US. The same lads who denied that Russia would invade and look away at Russian nuclear threats will still bizarrely blame the US here.

Would they have the tech and means to launch it? Doubtful tbf.

Youve already said that a few posts ago. It was banal drivel then. Repetition hasn’t helped. If youve a problem with the us fighting a proxy war take it up with @Julio_Geordio

Could Putin have stopped Gas exportation to Europe without invading Ukraine at all?

Haunting hearing some of these soldiers

Where from?

Looks like Lyman is nearly encircled now, be a big blow to Russia if the Ukrainians can take a big troop surrender

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China is highly advanced with unmanned submarine drones. This is why the enormous Australian submarine Aukus project is dead in the water before it starts.
Most likely manufactured by the Chinese and deployed by Russia.

What’s going to happen after Putin declares these regions as part of Russia after the referendum results?

The lads on TFK will say, see I told you they wanted to be part of Russia?

The fear is that any attack on them will be seen as an attack on Russian soil anc will lead to nuclear war

That’s nice, wait til you get the next one. The increased rates are kicking in on Saturday. Not sure people are actually aware of how much there unit rate is increasing by on October 1st but the bills arriving in the first weeks of December won’t be pretty. Be a lot of Lidl chickens instead of free range turkeys being carved up on 25th December this year

Again it’s not. You’ve styled yourself as nuanced but just jumble different arguments together.

You conflated varying arguments for why Russia is the way it is together rather than stick to one.

The argument that Russia needed more money and support post the Cold War is one which hoped they’d come inside the tent. It’s paternalistic and is very much in line with the multilateralism thinking of US foreign policy. It thinks we could get away from multiple super powers and have a US driven one with everyone having a say.

The John Mearsheimer embraces the super power view of the world and that is how it should be ordered. Leave Russia with their sphere of interests.

At varying times (when you listen to a podcast) you have cited both but they don’t hang together.

They don’t hang together.

At the end of the day, this comes down to Russia not having its sense of empire cut down. View one doesn’t work because they will never follow international order for long (and it has struggled with China too as they have come in the tent) and view two is outdated. You cannot accept Russia as an empire with a sphere of interest in the modern world.

This is on Russia and Russians. They were defeated but didn’t clock it. They were given freedoms. They had an abundance of resources to become a wealthy nation. They messed up and this is the end game for that.

That’s exactly what he’ll declare.