Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Are you arguing about the causes of the war 9 months ago or commenting on current events? They are two separate things.

Making a statment bro, not an argument

They are actually.
Putin was never going to stand for the Ukraine becoming a member of NATO especially a country that size right on the southern border.

Latvia,Lithuania and the likes joining,while he might not have liked it,wouldnt have overly bothered him in the greater scheme of things.

He was basically shoved into a corner and we all know what a rat does in that situation.

Take a bow America,ye shower of cunts.

Ukraine were never going to join NATO. The support needed for their application wasn’t going to happen.

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Apparently he was a brilliant actor in his day in fairness to him.

He starred in the very popular show “servant of the people”.

So the americans ruled it out?

News to me if they did anyway. I don’t recall that.

Pre invasion……

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Goida in Russia, Moida in the US.

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Perhaps Harry but they were actively seeking membership and that was enough to kick-start what we are witnessing now.

Id be confident enough to say none of this would have happened if they had kept themselves to themselves.Russia had being making serious progress as regards coming in from the cold on every front but all that is gone now and will be for generations.

The yanks and the Z basically poked the bear.Its a cock measuring exercise that has gone tits up.

They were actively trying to join an organisation to help prevent their aggressive neighbour dictating their policies & the threat of invasion.

It’s amazing the thought process they had all things said.

Your ignorance is off the charts

Look at it from both sides.

They were never getting into NATO.

Numerous countries were unwilling to support it.


They knew it would upset the Russians & all the cheap energy that went with them.

Plus there were Countries already in the queue waiting to join.

I think you can pedal the NATO encroaching, Ukraine cutting ties and all the other reasons you like to try and explain Russias ( Putins ) actions.

At the end of the day, the Invasion was undertaken with an overconfidence of victory based on Putins believe that Europe was weak and would bend to his Energy threats.

The land grab cannot be defended by any reasonable individual.


Why are they afraid of upsetting the Russians? Why are they leaving Ukraine out to dry?



They were proven correct.

Russias actions have been intolerable and to question otherwise is bizarre.

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Your inability to join huge dots is alarming… Who controls the IMF? How much was the Ukraine in debt to the IMF? How much gas had they stolen from Russia? … Ukraine was being stripped of it’s natural resources/ semi state bodies, making corrupt oligarchs rich and giving foreign (US) investors cheap assets in the process. It was a complete free for all dictated by the US… The hard part for the US was turning Ukraine into a democracy and sidelining these corrupt oligarchs thst held the Ukraine back from Nato/EU and tied to Russia… As always, this is about money and resources. The US had taken defacto control of Ukraine through the IMF - Putin is having none of it… The Donbas is the most important industrial/ agricultural region in Ukrainian, worth billions.


we’re not talking about Russia here. I’ve already stated multiple times, that Russian aggression is unacceptable, we’re talking about something different.

Why are NATO afraid of upsetting Russia, still, they haven’t joined the war. They’re letting Ukraine front the misery