Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

There is corruption in every democratic country in Europe.

Putin will save us all….


Fuck off

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is that it? No Jessica Fletcher type insights tonight, no? It doesn’t take long to get to the bottom of you

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You asked questions you know the answers to.

Fuck off…

You still have no idea what im talking about. You’re too wrapped up in silly point scoring or needing to be (morally) right. This is a game that’s been going on between powers for as long as man has been around.


No, you’re wrapped up in your own moral sideshow.

Corruption is a way of life.

Invasion of sovereign nations. Murder & torture. Indiscriminate bombing, mass displacement of innocent civilians.

You can sideshow the shit of all this but a lone figure started this war.

when do you think this war started?

I don’t think one person has argued differently.about who started the war.

Ukraine has been guilty of torture also over the last 8 years also, tonnes of it fyi.

You still don’t get it tho. The little hamster in your head won’t allow it. We’re not talking about the justification of anything - there’s no justifying murder. We’re talking about what’s been going on in the region and why stuff has happened. But simple minded apes think such discussion is a prelude to supporting Russia :roll_eyes:



You seem very keen to rationalise the reasons for Putins aggression.

Keep trying to run down peoples opinions on Putin Inc due to current behaviour.

If it makes you feel superiorly intelligent :+1:

I’ve run down people’s opinion of Putin?

You seem to need a good guy and bad guy… It obviously helps you deal with the world and to sleep at night. There’s nothing wrong with having coping mechanisms bud so fair play, im not having a go

Im also not defending Putin. He was wrong to invade and he’s losing it more and more as it drags on.

I’m merely alerting you to the filth that lies on the other side.


It seems unless you wring your hands and bow and circumflect to ukraine before every post on this topic you’re classed as a russian sympathiser.

It’s all a bit mad. Like no matter how much history we read, and how much we learn that every single event the world has seen is complicated and multifaceted - this seems to fly out the window when contemporary events are unfolding - it becomes black/white or wrong/ right… Until time has passed and neutral observers in the future repaint a more balanced picture… Then the process starts all over again.


And whoever wins the conflict generally writes the narrative.

The Romans classed civilizations that had complex legal systems as Barbarians and because they won thats what is believed

And we all sleep well at night

How many people died and civilizations ended because of Europe?

Reasonable analysis in my opinion for what its worth. Its only 14 minutes long also.

It really is a complicated mess.


That is truth and facts and some opinion. But, but, but

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That cunt is the bulb off @Thomas_Brady .

Oh fuck…its the fucking bulb

That’s complete bullshit anyway.