Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Nows the time to take out putin

Putin has moved Nuclear weapons to the Ukrainian border

He has activated the nuclear codes

What’s he gona do ? Throw them over the
Border ?

Rumours he’ll conduct a test near the border as a warning

Liberated is a funny word to use. Zelensky has shown nothing but contempt for these people in the past…i suppose its a bit like putin saying he liberated bucha.

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You are worse at this than the weather predictions.

In fairness to you though your missus is a good cook though.

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The Russians are reversing faster than the Ukrainians can advance. Some hole opening for shaney and Esteban.

Zelensky tried to push again to get the Ukraine into NATO since the annexation on Friday. It seems like it was all for show but The US seem to have stepped back though and are saying it won’t happen.


It was never going to happen you ape

Did you hear Putin’s speech last Friday?

I presume you have so I’ll await your astute analysis of same.

Putin and zelensky fighting over a region one of them despised and the other didn’t want. They’re like two bald men fighting over a comb.


So Putin didn’t need to invade at all so. Sure he may pull out then

Has anyone ever seen two bald men fighting over a comb?

It’s a deliberately absurd and clever analogy. It wasn’t for you.


That’s a no then, or did you miss the question mark?