Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

And we would have loads of social housing and better beer

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Corruption at play?

:rollseyes: .

Bar perhaps the Crimea region it was a massive vote % in favour in Eastern Ukraine strangely enough

Esteban and free thinkers won’t like that one bit.

go 30 years in to the future how does that look?

1991 was a long time ago

The headbangers hero’s are in complete freefall.

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The Ukrainians are marching on Khershon



All politics is local :clap::clap::clap:

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Bloke looks like he’s been on the piss all weekend and is reporting from the lounge in some pub.

They are like Harry Maguire, no good once they are turned. The Ukrainians will have these lads in the sea by Halloween


Cheerio cheerio cheerioooo

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