Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

From Reuters.

The head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council, Oleksiy Danilov posted a video of the burning bridge on social media alongside a video of Marilyn Monroe singing “Happy birthday, Mr President”.

Putin turned 70 on Friday.

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Tell us a bit about Douglas and his record on the war so far, pal.

Putin looks awful for 70

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Oh boy. That’ll be seen as an attack on Russia.

The launch codes aren’t far away.

Shur you can make up your own mind. It’s just another point of view

I’d assume you have done the research already?
Or maybe you posted something he says to support your own engrained opinion?

I don’t have an ingrained opinion. If i did I’d probably be getting hissy when someone posts anything i don’t like


I think that’s also another point of view.

It seems very reasoned alright

I don’t think reuters are Russian stooges but it seems a bit mental to be playing Russian roulette quite literally antagonising Putin after attacking Crimea.

That article is from July. What did Russia do then? Fuck all


20:20 hindsight is great. Thanks for posting it, a healthy scepticism is invaluable these days.

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Crimea wasn’t attacked in July. It was bombed yesterday along with a fairly bizarre remark antagonising Putin about it.

Whats the end goal there?

They blew up an airbase there two months ago sure. And Russia threatened all sorts, and sent in more tanks from the 1950s

I’d say the end goal is the bate the Russians back to Russia. Seems obvious enough


Ya most lads would only be coming into their own at 70

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What’s to be gained from trying to antagonise Putin though? You seem to be intentionally missing the point.

It seems unnecessarily risky to gloat about it

The Russians will do nothing until they do something

One line from his post that caught my attention was the war of 2014 Separatists started by Russia.

I’m no expert but I find it hard to argue with that train of thought considering how Putin would have seen civilian revolution across his border and the removal of his puppet President.

Would you consider the above a reasonable claim?

What is gained by letting bullies continue to bully?

I’d have thought you would understand that principle

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Will you ever fuck off with your columbo shtick you boring cunt.

Either respond to the point or leave it alone