Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

So, no answer.

Off with you.

I think he should see a therapist.

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Answer the question.

You wrote a screed of pro-Russia propaganda. Now you’re running away.

You asked “what the fuck is the problem with Russia?”

What do you think is the problem with Russia?

Where did I say that? Your post reeks of insecurity btw.

Judging by this thread, hes the fucking sanest around

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In your previous post.

If you’re secure on your views, which you are not, you will tell me why I am wrong.

If you are now saying I am correct, your previous post makes no sense.

Wrong or a bare faced lie, either way you are very insecure on the rights and wrongs of something we no little or nothing about, difference being I can admit it but your ego prevents you from doing so.

You know little or nothing about it.

You shouldn’t assume that is the case for me.

You knowing little or nothing about the issue would also put you in the worst position possible to contradict my views.

There is that ego rearing its ugly head again, just can’t help yourself can you? It’s a fascinating gift you possess Sidney to know so much but really so little.

You say you know little or nothing but you I say I “know so little”.

Now that’s ego.

You seem to be tongue tied now.

You’re just typing replies that make no sense for the sake of it now.

“But you I say I” makes plenty of sense alright :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

My assessment of you is plain fact. You admit to knowing nothing about the subject, but simultaneously believe you are a qualified person to judge whether what others know about it is accurate.

That’s some ego-driven overreaching.

The lads here tell us that nobody in Ukraine is expecting an invasion or anything like it.

Apparently the lads here know more about what people in Ukraine think than the people in Ukraine.

If Russia does move on Ukraine, will the countries looking to join NATO step up and fight the Russians too?

If Russia were to take Ukraine then all the other bordering countries must be open season?

There is no need for “wars” in the traditional sense anymore.

We will own nothing and be happy sure.

Admitting to knowing little to nothing about a subject doesn’t restrict me from calling you out on pretending to be an expert on every matter, I know you have a masters in Twitter link copy and paste though and that gave you a PhD in medical sciene, what are you hoping for here a nobel peace prize?

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Not officially. There will be individuals from other countries fighting if it comes to that.

Putin is showing the classic signs of a dictator drunk on his own power, surrounded by Yes men.

The US has stood up to him diplomatically and blown the lid off his propaganda war, and that has unsettled him.

But other countries will not fight. At least not initially. If there is an invasion, nobody knows how it works out.

I have argued consistently that NATO forces should be in Ukraine, and ready to fight, if necessary. Any basic understanding of deterrence knows that that was the best way to prevent conflict. You have to make the stakes so high that the aggressor backs down. Prevention is better than cure. If Russia follows through what it is threatening, Europe will change in the most profound way, and for the much worse.

There is a grotesque irony that there a security conference in Munich this weekend.

We are not living in the late 1930’s pal.

All of these lads are laughing at idiots like you. Thinking you’re saving the world on the internet.

Its all theatre just like covid.

Spoof, spin and bullshit.

The guy you hate the most is best mates with Trudeau, Macron and the likes of your one in New Zealand.

Merkel too.