Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Admitting to knowing little to nothing on a subject means you know little to nothing.

You make the mistaken assumption that I know nothing. There’s a thing called the news. There’s a thing called the internet. There’s a thing called Twitter.

Because you know little to nothing about how to navigate the world of information, a thing you have in common with a great many other posters here, you make the mistaken assumption that that is also the case for me.

You shouldn’t make that assumption.

And anyway, this is one of the least complicated international crises in history. It takes no special knowledge to understand it. This is a basic case of right and wrong, good and evil. Yes, it is that simple. A four year old could understand it.

The problem is that your hero Putin has a 1930s mindset.

I wouldn’t really worry about whether war criminal glorifiers like you laugh at me.

Putin certainly laughs at useful morons like you.

I read it on Tinternet so now it has to be true :rofl: Your shelves are probably stocked with National enquirer issues too.

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Keep projecting. Weren’t you the chap who was on here years ago telling us all about how the removal of confederate statues was an outrage?

Your mind is obviously occupied by important things.

My sides are honestly sore from laughter, “I know plenty because I read it on Twitter” you are some man in fairness.

Were you looking in the mirror?

Now that’s typing replies that make no sense for the sake of it, glad I brought you full circle in less than a half hour.

What is that?

Lets take the insults out of it lads.

@Cheasty , what has become of the traditional left?

Why don’t they look after working class people anymore?

Unfortunately there’s no point debating with an empty slogan machine.

Your frames of understanding are non-existent and you have chosen to try and understand the world entirely through the medium of straw man and dumb cliche.

That’s reasonably fair enough. But it still doesnt answer my question.

Why have the left abandoned the working class?

I’m genuinely intrigued.

In this thread you want that answered?

No offence pal. But I’m not asking you.

Again a straw man and a dumb, empty cliche.

The lot of the working class has collapsed because of the absence of sensible post war welfare state policy everywhere.

The first step towards addressing that is electing politicians who genuinely believe in the principles of the post war welfare state.

The politicians you eulogise are the people who do most to demolish it and to demolish the prospects of the working classes through cult-like disinformation which serves zero state nihilists and international criminality.

Vladimir Putin is the one man who has done most to enable international criminality. He is the world’s biggest criminal. But he has plenty of help from the Trumps, the Johnsons, the Blairs, Schroders, Netanyahus etc.

No offence but it’s up there in front of me.

Which war are you referring to?

Genuine question.

Where is the rolleyes smiley?

I’d say you have me mistaken for someone else.

The woke left are not interested in working class people or their concerns, they are interested in whether there are 35 or 36 genders.