Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

A rat would be closer again.

Thats worth a laughing emoji :joy:

You want NATO to go into a non NATO country to provoke Russia and start WWIII. Simple really you’ve adopted the Bolton and Rumsfeld neo con doctrine.

I spose if you can make up 57 genders you can certainly make up a reason to go to war with Russia

Neocon is a very 2000s term. What would be the equivalent nowadays?

You have zero understanding of this.

The reason Ukraine wants to join NATO is to ensure it lives in peace. The reason you would send NATO into Ukraine - or arm Ukraine for that matter - is so Russia doesn’t invade. That they dare not invade.

That is why the Baltic states and Poland and Romania and Bulgaria are in NATO. Because they understand the monstrous mentality at the heart of Russian nationalism.

You demonstrably think criminal mafia states should be allowed to waltz in and invade major European democracies, and the rest of the west should just stand idly by and do nothing.

That is a charter for the Hitlers, Stalins and Putins of this world.

There is one country which is 100% to blame for this crisis and that is Russia. Russia is the only country which has perpetrated a war of aggression here.

Putin’s minimum demand here is that the GRU-operated Mad Max puppet enclaves of the DNR and LNR are technically returned to Ukraine, but remain under GRU control, and have a veto over all central government policy, so as to make Ukraine completely ungovernable. Putin likely plans at minimum to expand these puppet enclaves to the whole of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts through war. Then Putin style “elections” will be held to “elect” Russian puppets to hold Ukraine to ransom.

That is completely unacceptable.

It would be a bit like if a united Ireland is ever voted for, if the self declared “East Belfast People’s Republic” and the “South Antrim People’s Republic”, run by the British Army and MI5 agents, demanded an absolute say over the political orientation of the new unified Ireland, so that it left the European Union, and the puppet enclaves could have an absolute veto over any policy, and the new Ireland was effectively run from London.

Except what Putin wants is far worse again than even that.

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Putin came to power on the back of blowing up his own people. The evidence firmly points to the FSB - and not the Chechens - being responsible for the spate of bombings in September 1999 which killed over 300 people.

Thread by a Reuters journalist:

There are only three countries in the world America hasn’t invaded or have never seen a U.S. military presence: Andorra, Bhutan, and Liechtenstein

I couldn’t tell you how liberating it is to stroll around Andorra knowing the CIA aren’t monitoring you

What’s Tim trying to say there?

Would you not head over boss and give vlad a hand. There’s probably a free pair of boots in it for ya.

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Did I miss the bit where they invaded Ireland?

The USS JFK’s sailors banged everything within 10 miles of of the forty foot with two holes and a heartbeat in ‘96

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Military presence in shannon airport maybe

Also I’m sure that had a presence up north during the emergency

Didn’t they have an army v navy football game in Dublin a few years back? That’ll cover all the angles

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