Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Its a savage pivot. I only asked @Cheasty the question. He doesnt seem to be able to answer it.

Its no wonder normal working people are completely disillusioned with politics. I’d include myself in that bracket. 100%.

Another fool who “understands” the world entirely through straw man and empty cliche, in this fool’s case from Murdoch media and other assorted far right propaganda outlets.

Sure he doesn’t even believe the working class exists.

Canada at present tell you all you need to know. Working class people being arrested and having their assets seized by the government. Marx must be spinning in his grave.


The truth about Crimea.

In the shadow of #Donbas, Ukrainians in occupied Crimea are fighting another war against #Russia – 15 Crimean Tatars were arrested today for coming to a local court to support their friend, also Crimean Tatar, who is prosecuted for an online comment from 2017.

#Crimea, THREAD:

Since Russia occupied Crimea in 2014, it has been severely repressing any Ukraine sympathizers on the peninsula, mainly Crimean Tatars – a Ukrainian ethnic minority native to Crimea. Since 2014, 169 Crimean Tatars were prosecuted – nearly 3/4 of all political prisoners in Crimea.

Crimean Tatars were forced to flee their home, Crimea, three times: a) when the Russian Empire annexed Crimea in 1783, b) when the Soviet regime deported at least 200,000 Crimean Tatars in 1944 (this is recognized as genocide) and c) when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.

Crimean Tatars have always opposed the Kremlin’s regime in Crimea, for which they are being punished until today.

Illegal house raids, mass arrests, and arbitrary imprisonment have become the new normal for these people.

Most of the persecuted Crimean Tatars are accused of terrorism, and specifically – being members of Hizb ut-Tahrir – an international Islamic org., which operates legally in Ukraine and most of Europe, but is banned in Russia. UA gov. says the charges are “blatantly fabricated”.

I’ve spent many long hours talking to lawyers and activists in Crimea.

The charges are bogus – anything, from owning a Quran and discussing Islam to organizing events in a mosque, will land you in prison. Most “witnesses” in these cases are secret…

…who are very often locals who have issues with immigration services, so they are pressured to “testify” to avoid punishment.

Russia also brings “experts” in Islam who interpret people’s writings as radical and threatening.

Routinely, C.T. are denied translators in court.

In Crimea, hundreds of children have to grow up without their fathers, who’ve been sentenced to 10,15,20 years in prison. They are subject to life-long trauma, having to endure 4 a.m. raids, police visits, and trips to courtrooms and prisons to see their parent for just a moment.

Please, see a fantastic photo-project,“Born After Arrest”, by a prominent local activist Mumine Saliyeva –

It tells stories of babies and kids of the imprisoned. It will break your heart, but you will get a glimpse of what Russia is responsible for.

Crimean Tatars live in a constant state of fear, yet they are some of the most inspiring, brave, and remarkable individuals I know. They never give up, they continue being loyal to their religion and their traditions. They persevere.

And they will never bow to the Kremlin.

This is the reality of anywhere Putin goes.

In the words of @mrsorokaa, “Russia’s main export is pain and suffering”.

If that fascist astro turf demonstration was an actual working class protest it would have been crushed in an hour.

The backing of billionaires buys a lot of tolerance from white police towards white, fascist astro-turfers.

Its appalling whats going on in Ottawa. Your man Trudeau luckily was a close covid contact for the first week.

Now he has turned full fascist freezing bank accounts etc. An attack against working people. It is disgusting.

Those truckers are not right wing nut-jobs. They just want to do a days work without bullshit vaccine mandates. It’s interesting.

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It is disgusting that the fascists were allowed such free rein to try and disrupt Canadian society.

But again, that’s what whiteness, money, and the constant threat of violence gets you.

Those astro-turf bastards deserve everything they get, which sadly has not been much, the wreckers.

Fucking sure they are and fucking sure they want to destroy other people’s right to earn a living and live a peaceful life.


I agree. Trudeau should be put in jail.

And Russia has a finger in every pie like this.

He mustn’t have used enough blackface for your liking.

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I just asked you two questions this evening Cheasty,

1, why have the left abandoned their traditional core base - the working class

2, Why are the mainstream media so shy about reporting on mass human rights abuses by the taliban particularly towards women

You might get there eventually. Thanks in advance pal.

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Again, your frames of understanding are so removed from reality that there is no point engaging with you.

You see the world entirely through the empty cliches and slogans of far right, anti-reality propaganda.

Engaging with you and with anybody like you is like engaging with the perpetrators of the Salem Witch Trials, or a Russian trollbot in an office in St. Petersburg fulfilling their quota of 130 messages per day.

I’d actually considering myself as left leaning overall really. But I think those two views are too archaic these days. (Right and Left).

Politics and peoples views are a lot more fluid than two polar opposite options especially nowadays.

These fuckers genuinely are pretty much everywhere you can go online. The propaganda has started to wear very fucking thin though.

If you identified as a cat you’d be nearer the reality of what you are.

It’s fascinating to watch a self proclaimed wokester virtue signaller becoming a right wing neo con war mongering cheerleader as soon as the pandemic is becoming endemic.


In what way exactly am I a right wing neo-con “war mongerer”?

Go on then, explain?

You made the claim. You back it up.

You won’t.

And the empty far right cliches “wokester” and “virtue signaller” are a clear demonstration of exactly which train you’ve decided to hitch your wagon to.

To be fair thats a significant uplift on rat-licker which you branded me as last year.

That wasn’t very diplomatic.