Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Looks likely he will move now alright into Ukraine. I still hope that its just ball hopping over NATO encroaching on Russia.

A war would be absolutely horrible for both sides and potentially for the world across the board.

Russian imperialism alive and well, fookin hell

Where Are U.S. And Russian Military Bases In The World? (

This is Hitler on valium.

If Putin does invade the rest of Ukraine then the Poles and everyone on the border will have to go in behind Ukraine because they are next.

You’d imagine the Georgians will be ready to rock as well

This is a speech which will live in infamy in history.

Whats the deal with these russian translators on Sky etc,

There is a half decent one on France24.

Ffs last thing we need is 2 more Eastern block nations not voting for us in the eurovision


900,000 troops required to occupy Ukraine apparently.

I wouldn’t worry too much about it kid. Our entry this year is more brutal than usual

We got so sick of it we let it be hosted in cork.

Still another 2 teams to have a nil all draw with in the uafa nations league division c

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Any sign of those Cark fishermen to calm the situation?

He’s like Gemma O’Doherty with nukes now. QAnon level stuff. I’ve no doubt he can keep this going for another hour if he wants, which he probably does.

And we still won the fucking thing.

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Say what you want about Hitler but he knew how to make a speech. This cunt is some fucking bore.

This is exactly it…how do the NATO protocols work…are they bound to war in the case he invades the separtist regions?

Vlad has the lads over a right old barrel here. Recognition of separatist regions but without annexation means the best the lads can do is impose sanctions which will be at best wishy washy