Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Not bound to war at all. Ukraine not in NATO.

Putin is apparently obsessed with the video of Gaddafi’s lynching, when Gaddafi was sodomized by a bayonet, presumably as a warning to himself to justify his murderousness and ruthlessness.

If ever the world needed another dictator to end up sodomized with a bayonet like Gaddafi did, it’s Putin and it’s now it is needed.

Have the cyber attacks kicked off yet?

Syria has chimed in to recognise Donetsk and Luhansk. Waiting on the big boys now.

Tfk is under attack

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It looks like Putin will get the war he craves now or he’s going to cause such a shit storm for his own backers that he’s going to be taken out from within.

If only.

It will not happen.

The only way he could be feasibly taken out is if the person doing it was prepared to kill him and themselves die in the act or immediately after the act. And they would have to be one of his trusted inner circle.

In saying that: if the west imposed sanctions which were so stringent and targeted that general quality of life in Russia nosedived, and if Ukraine becomes a bloodbath for Russia - and if it invades the west must ensure that it does - Putin’s air of omnipotence could start to fade. When a dictator’s air of omnipotence starts to fade, the end can come surprisingly quickly.

But I have no faith the west will do anything. Too much decadence, depravity and nice delusions. Too many fifth columnists. Oleg Deripaska was at the “security conference” at Munich on Saturday ffs sake.

If the Stock market keeps slipping then there will be serious pressure to remove him one way or another.

The US have responded to Putin’s speech by banning US citizens from doing business in Donetsk and Luhansk. That’ll teach him.


What’s the feeling over there to all this? Along the lines of couldn’t care less?

Wait until Vlad sees this?
Cough will be softened

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Well that’s that then. Back to the hurling threads for Sunday.


I’ll fire the above on to sky news as well

In the US now Mitt Romney is a pariah within his own party.

Old style US conservatism is to all intents and purposes extinct and has been replaced by Trumpism, in fact the Democratic party is in general more welcoming to Bush senior style conservatives than the Republicans now. The ultimate spiritual king of Trumpism is not actually Trump himself, but Putin. Trumpism is essentially an American celebrity variant of Putinism.

This means America itself now has a massive Putinist fifth column within it. The reflex action of Trumpism will be to tell Ukraine to fuck off. Every anti-vaxxer, every climate denier, every anti-Critical Race Theory obsessive will be on the Putinist bandwagon. Tucker Carlson will launch into an apologia for him tonight and call him a “strong leader”.

There is a US and international group who claim to be on the left who will be in alliance with the Trumpists, but we all know they are just chaos agents. The Assangeists, the Snowdenists.

And in every western country a variation on this pattern will be repeated. Going to bat for Putin will be Mick Wallace, John Pilger, Nigel Farage, Arron Banks, Marine Le Pen, Matteo Salvini, Gerhard Schroder, Francois Fillon.

We are trapped between those who refuse to sanction or advocate the provision of arms or troops to Ukraine because they are chaos agents and those who are too constipated and afraid to do so.

The liberators have arrived

You should donate your brain to science when you kick the bucket

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Cop on