Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The poor Ukrainians are in the shit now.

Would Moldova be very much aligned to Putin even though they’re an Independent nation?

Marty Morrissey is setting up beside the Dnieper as we speak


If Putin kills millions of Ukrainians I will be genuinely happy for @Cheasty . He will deserve his victory.

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There’s a pro Russian enclave there. Bordering Ukraine actually.

In my previous life I wrote for years on 1930s internet forums about the threat to the world of the Nazis and how they needed to be stopped before they caused the greatest mass slaughter in history. I was vindicated beyond any doubt but on the downside, I was captured, put on a train to a death camp and exterminated, which sort of ruined the vindication.


And they are in his sights.

They’re mainly ethnically Romanian apart from Trans Dniester.

Transnistria would be an interesting Ryanair weekend break. did an article about it once.

I’ve completely ignored this thread and general issue up to now as I was taking a bit of a break from the news after covid.
Can anyone give a ladybird summary of what’s going on?


The next two weeks are critical.


I recognise no army’s. Not if the joke force we have here. Bare knuckles in a test carpark is the only way to show that your a man

Everything I know about Transnistria I learned through FC Sherriff. A mental spot

Ryanair don’t fly there.

Night lads. I’ve put 2 of berties iodine pills on the devil’s shelf to get through the night. No longer under the bed, it’s hiding in the fridge

Vlad will be breakfasting in Keev. Mark my words.

Sums it all up @Cheasty

Fulvio’s tactical retreat seems clearer now. He answered the call.

Zelensky is speaking now. The Ukrainians have missed a trick by not having an English language translator on the broadcast.

The Russians did not miss that trick.

We’re they at least armoured buses?