Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Putin has won this round you have to say. Sent the US and their “intelligence” home with their tae in a mug.

Would you not drive the other direction?


Troops have been ordered in to Ukraine by Putin.

February 22nd



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Left to right. Right to left and even upside down. Any wonder I’m in Cork today


I found this article quite interesting


As predicted by @Cheasty, who’s again made a lot of us look very foolish by calling this spot on, Mick Wallace has been out to bat for Putin on social media. It’s like the only sickening regime he won’t run interference for is the Irish one. Giving cover to scumbag regimes launching offensives and instead directing his ire towards the response to it under the pretence of “being against all war” is a tiresome stance of his at this stage. Strong sanctions are urgently needed and we can all play our part. I won’t be buying the new Wexford FC home OR away jerseys as long as “Wallace” remains title sponsor.


Going by the talk this morning it sounds like the US or EU aren’t going to do a whole pile beyond some token sanctions and let Putin keep his latest prize, similar to the reaction to Crimea.

Putin will consolidate his position in the new republics, taking similar small chunks of Ukraine or other countries down the line.

the lets not invest in renewables boys looking pretty foolish today



The no nuclear boys must be absolutely mortified with themselves, as must the no LNG plant in the Shannon crowd also

the guys who began suggesting nuclear in 2021 might be feeling a little sheepish to be so late to the party


Will the Ukrainians fight back ?

Don’t be such a Dombass

Banks v Tanks not worth a wank

Interesting while also unsettling

It’s OK guys, Nick has this sorted

Nuclear is da bomb!